Use CMYK Color Values: To maximize color accuracy, always use CMYK color values in your artwork. CMYK is the standard color model for printing and will provide a closer representation of the final printed colors on your physical materials.
Order a Smaller Size and Amount for First-Time Prints: For first-time prints, consider ordering a smaller size and quantity to preview the colors in real life. This allows you to assess the appearance and make any necessary adjustments before proceeding with larger orders.
Consult Our Sales Team: If you have any questions or concerns about color optimization, don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable sales team. Our Live Chat feature provides immediate assistance and guidance to address any inquiries you may have.
Blue Color Setting: When working with the color “Blue,” ensure a minimum 30% difference between Cyan and Magenta to avoid any unwanted purple hues in the final printed fabric. A high level of Cyan with a low amount of Magenta is recommended to maintain color accuracy.
At Alsett, we strive to assist you in every step of your printing journey, ensuring that your satisfaction is our top priority. For any further assistance or inquiries, don’t hesitate to contact our sales team through our Live Chat feature.