Vercini Colors



Charcoal Grey (#36454F)Wine Red (#722F37)Romantic Red (#FF6F61)
Midnight Blue (#003366)Stone Grey (#8A8A8A)Gold (#FFD700)
Metallic Silver (#AAA9AD)Freedom Blue (#1C6BA0)Alpine White (#F0FFFF)
Royal Blue (#4169E1)Victory Gold (#FDD017)Navy Blue (#000080)
Mountain Snow (#FFF)Cobblestone (#806C66)Forest Green (#228B22)
Turin Sky (#87CEEB)Majestic Purple (#6C3082)Sparkling Gold (#FFD700)
Artistic Maroon (#800000)Sovereign Blue (#2A52BE)Romantic Red (#FF6F61)
River Blue (#1C6BA0)Colosseum Stone (#D2B48C)Medieval Black (#000000)
Wine Red (#722F37)Lovers’ White (#FFFFFF)Ancient Stone (#D2B48C)
Gavi Grape (#5E2129)Rosé Pink (#FFC0CB)Fortress Red (#8B0000)
Noble Blue (#4169E1)Rich Wine (#641E16)Market Gold (#FFD700)
Garden Green (#228B22)Basilica Bronze (#CD7F32)Countryside Green (#556B2F)
Amphitheater Stone (#D2B48C)Hilltop Green (#2E8B57)Poet’s Black (#000000)
Tower Grey (#A9A9A9)Canal Black (#000000)Masquerade Gold (#FFD700)
Glass Blue (#0BDA51)Doge Gold (#FFD700)Bridge Stone (#D2B48C)
Artistic Silver (#C0C0C0)Water Blue (#1C6BA0)Basilica Gold (#FFD700)
Sea Blue (#0000FF)Palace Marble (#FAEBD7)Regal Blue (#4169E1)
Antique Bronze (#CD7F32)Baroque Red (#800000)Cathedral Stone (#D2B48C)
Fisher Blue (#1E90FF)Book Brown (#8B4513)Opera Red (#9B1B30)
Island Blue (#000080)Romantic Red (#FF6F61)High Water Blue (#1C6BA0)
Lava Red (#CF1020)Sea Blue (#1E90FF)Mermaid Green (#3CB371)
Fashion Black (#000000)Ruins Red (#8B0000)Basil Green (#4CAF50)
Fiery Red (#FF4500)Lemon Yellow (#FFF44F)Rebel Red (#B22222)
Vesuvius Ash (#BEBEBE)Coastline Blue (#1C6BA0)Villa Red (#9B1B30)
Cliffside Beige (#F5F5DC)Champion Blue (#4169E1)Lemon Yellow (#FFF44F)
Ancient Stone (#D2B48C)Neapolitan Pink (#FFC0CB)Dance Red (#FF4500)
Scooter Blue (#0000FF)Island Green (#2E8B57)Basilica Stone (#D2B48C)
Lake Blue (#1C6BA0)Artist’s Green (#3CB371)Wine Red (#722F37)
Cathedral White (#FAF0E6)Medieval Stone (#A9A9A9)Hillside Olive (#556B2F)
Waterfall Blue (#1C6BA0)Rosso Scuro (#600000)Medieval Grey (#808080)
Chocolate Brown (#D2691E)Truffle Brown (#3B2F2F)Waterfall White (#F0FFFF)
Saintly Blue (#0000CD)Valley Green (#556B2F)Town Square Stone (#A9A9A9)
Castle Grey (#778899)Chapel Stone (#D2B48C)Umbrian Sky (#87CEEB)
Festival Red (#DC143C)Mountain Grey (#BEBEBE)Coastal Blue (#1E90FF)
Sea Blue (#1C6BA0)Peak Stone (#D2B48C)Earthquake Grey (#808080)
Old Town Stone (#A9A9A9)Cathedral Gold (#FFD700)Confetti Pink (#FFC0CB)
Forest Green (#228B22)Mermaid Green (#3CB371)Coastal Grey (#778899)
Fortress Stone (#A9A9A9)Wine Purple (#800080)River Green (#2E8B57)
High Meadow Green (#556B2F)Harbor Blue (#1E90FF)Medieval Stone (#A9A9A9)
River Blue (#1C6BA0)Artisan Bronze (#CD7F32)Adriatic Blue (#0000FF)
Sea Cliff Red (#FF6347)Forest Pine (#228B22)Regal Purple (#800080)
Mountain Grey (#BEBEBE)Windy Sky (#87CEEB)River Stone (#A9A9A9)
Coastal Blue (#1E90FF)Calabrian Red (#9B1B30)Cathedral Stone (#D2B48C)
Mountain Mist (#95918C)Mermaid Green (#3CB371)Ancient Bronze (#CD7F32)
Coastal Sunset (#FF6347)Bronze Statue (#8B6914)Heritage Red (#B22222)
Seaside Blue (#1E90FF)Village Terra (#A0522D)Saracen Black (#000000)
Thermal Spring (#4682B4)Byzantine Gold (#FFD700)Lava Red (#CF1020)
Sicilian Sun (#FFD700)Azure Sea (#007FFF)Valley Green (#556B2F)
Miner’s Silver (#C0C0C0)Strait Blue (#1E90FF)Baroque Gold (#FFD700)
Ancient Marble (#FAEBD7)Salt Flat White (#FFF5EE)Black Lava (#000000)
Wine Red (#800000)Island Blue (#1C6BA0)Baroque Beige (#F5F5DC)
Beach Sand (#FFF8DC)Castle Grey (#778899)Turquoise Sea (#40E0D0)
Chocolate Brown (#D2691E)Harbor Blue (#1E90FF)Nature Reserve Green (#556B2F)
Cathedral Stone (#D2B48C)Emerald Green (#50C878)Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)
Basilica Grey (#A9A9A9)Canal Blue (#1C6BA0)Prosecco Sparkle (#FFF8DC)
Alpine White (#FFFFFF)Po River Blue (#1E90FF)Snowcap White (#FFFFFF)
Mountain Peak (#FFFFFF)Lagoon Blue (#1C6BA0)Juliet Red (#FF6347)
Grappa Gold (#FFD700)Architectural White (#FAF0E6)Hilltop Green (#556B2F)
Sparkling White (#FFF8DC)Glass Blue (#0BDA51)Summit Snow (#FFFFFF)
Vineyard Green (#556B2F)Lake Blue (#1E90FF)River Blue (#1C6BA0)
Explorer Blue (#1E90FF)Starry Night Blue (#000080)Architectural White (#FAF0E6)
Sculptor’s Marble (#FAEBD7)Fresco Blue (#87CEEB)Etching Black (#000000)
Painter’s Red (#DC143C)Portrait Peach (#FFDAB9)Statue White (#FFFFFF)
Fresco Green (#228B22)Tuscan Red (#800000)Concerto Red (#9B1B30)
Cathedral Stone (#D2B48C)Sequence Silver (#C0C0C0)Strategy Grey (#808080)
Villa White (#FFFFFF)Opera Garnet (#8B0000)Tale Blue (#1E90FF)
Chiaroscuro Black (#000000)Inferno Red (#B22222)Venetian Red (#B22222)
Cardinal Purple (#800080)Fresco Green (#2E8B57)Bellini Peach (#FFE5B4)
Knight Armor Grey (#808080)Cherub Pink (#FFC0CB)Tuscan Yellow (#FFD700)
Altarpiece Gold (#FFD700)Court Purple (#800080)Fiorentino Red (#B22222)
Masterpiece Black (#000000)Bold Blue (#1E90FF)Baroque Brown (#8B4513)
Angelic White (#FFFFFF)Baroque Red (#9B1B30)Classical Cream (#FFF8DC)
Realm Grey (#808080)Zenith White (#FFFFFF)Grit Green (#2E8B57)
Borghese Black (#000000)Sculpture Stone (#A9A9A9)Gates of Paradise Gold (#FFD700)
Dome Grey (#BEBEBE)Genius Blue (#1C6BA0)Raphael Red (#B22222)
Birth of Venus Peach (#FFE5B4)Architectural White (#FAF0E6)Sky Fresco Blue (#87CEEB)
Renaissance Green (#556B2F)Palladian Blue (#1C6BA0)Chapel Red (#B22222)
Mural Blue (#1C6BA0)Umbrian Green (#556B2F)Courtly Blue (#4169E1)
Tuscan Yellow (#FFD700)Florentine Brown (#8B4513)Venetian Red (#B22222)
Preacher Black (#000000)Artisan Blue (#1C6BA0)Fresco Green (#556B2F)
Baroque Beige (#F5F5DC)Carracci Crimson (#9B1B30)Architectural Stone (#A9A9A9)
Painter’s Grey (#808080)Venetian Red (#B22222)Fresco Blue (#87CEEB)
Madonna Blue (#1C6BA0)Noble Red (#9B1B30)Sodoma Sienna (#A0522D)
Lombardy Blue (#1E90FF)Signorelli Sand (#D2B48C)Veronese Green (#556B2F)
Titian Red (#B22222)Renaissance Blue (#1C6BA0)Ghiberti Gold (#FFD700)
Chapel Stone (#A9A9A9)Florentine Red (#B22222)Giotto Sky (#87CEEB)
Byzantine Blue (#1C6BA0)Gozzoli Green (#556B2F)Umbrian Green (#556B2F)
Byzantine Blue (#1C6BA0)Lippi Brown (#8B4513)Francesca Blue (#1E90FF)
Signorelli Sienna (#A0522D)Chapel Green (#556B2F)Gozzoli Green (#556B2F)
Florentine Grey (#808080)Angelic Blue (#1C6BA0)Sienna Brown (#A0522D)
Venetian Blue (#1E90FF)Virtue Grey (#808080)Uccello Green (#556B2F)
Lotto Blue (#1C6BA0)Crivelli Cream (#FFF8DC)Bronzino Bronze (#CD7F32)
Rosso Red (#B22222)Sarto Grey (#808080)Perugia Light (#FFF5EE)
Baldovinetti Beige (#F5F5DC)#CD5C5C – Indian Red#F08080 – Light Coral
#FA8072 – Salmon#E9967A – Dark Salmon#FFA07A – Light Salmon
#DC143C – Crimson#FF0000 – Red#B22222 – Firebrick
#8B0000 – Dark Red#FFC0CB – Pink#FFB6C1 – Light Pink
#FF69B4 – Hot Pink#FF1493 – Deep Pink#C71585 – Medium Violet Red
#DB7093 – Pale Violet Red#FFA07A – Light Salmon (duplicate)#FF7F50 – Coral
#FF6347 – Tomato#FF4500 – Orange Red#FF8C00 – Dark Orange
#FFA500 – Orange#FFD700 – Gold#FFFF00 – Yellow
#FFFFE0 – Light Yellow#FFFACD – Lemon Chiffon#FAFAD2 – Light Goldenrod Yellow
#FFEFD5 – Papaya Whip#FFE4B5 – Moccasin#FFDAB9 – Peach Puff
#EEE8AA – Pale Goldenrod#F0E68C – Khaki#BDB76B – Dark Khaki
#E6E6FA – Lavender#D8BFD8 – Thistle#DDA0DD – Plum
#EE82EE – Violet#DA70D6 – Orchid#FF00FF – Magenta / Fuchsia
#FF00FF – Magenta / Fuchsia#BA55D3 – Medium Orchid#9370DB – Medium Purple
#663399 – Rebecca Purple#8A2BE2 – Blue Violet#9400D3 – Dark Violet
#9932CC – Dark Orchid#8B008B – Dark Magenta#800080 – Purple
#4B0082 – Indigo#6A5ACD – Slate Blue#483D8B – Dark Slate Blue
#7B68EE – Medium Slate Blue#ADFF2F – Green Yellow#7FFF00 – Chartreuse
#7CFC00 – Lawn Green#00FF00 – Lime#32CD32 – Lime Green
#98FB98 – Pale Green#90EE90 – Light Green#00FA9A – Medium Spring Green
#00FF7F – Spring Green#3CB371 – Medium Sea Green#2E8B57 – Sea Green
#228B22 – Forest Green#008000 – Green#006400 – Dark Green
#9ACD32 – Yellow Green#6B8E23 – Olive Drab#808000 – Olive
#556B2F – Dark Olive Green#66CDAA – Medium Aquamarine#8FBC8B – Dark Sea Green
#20B2AA – Light Sea Green#008B8B – Dark Cyan#008080 – Teal
#00FFFF – Cyan / Aqua#00FFFF – Cyan / Aqua (duplicate)#E0FFFF – Light Cyan
#AFEEEE – Pale Turquoise#7FFFD4 – Aquamarine#40E0D0 – Turquoise
#48D1CC – Medium Turquoise#00CED1 – Dark Turquoise#5F9EA0 – Cadet Blue
#4682B4 – Steel Blue#B0C4DE – Light Steel Blue#B0E0E6 – Powder Blue
#ADD8E6 – Light Blue#87CEEB – Sky Blue#87CEFA – Light Sky Blue
#00BFFF – Deep Sky Blue#1E90FF – Dodger Blue#6495ED – Cornflower Blue
#7B68EE – Medium Slate Blue (duplicate)#4169E1 – Royal Blue#0000FF – Blue
#0000CD – Medium Blue#00008B – Dark Blue#000080 – Navy
#191970 – Midnight Blue#FFF8DC – Cornsilk#FFEBCD – Blanched Almond
#FFE4C4 – Bisque#FFDEAD – Navajo White#F5DEB3 – Wheat
#DEB887 – Burlywood#D2B48C – Tan#BC8F8F – Rosy Brown
#F4A460 – Sandy Brown#DAA520 – Goldenrod#B8860B – Dark Goldenrod
#CD853F – Peru#D2691E – Chocolate#8B4513 – Saddle Brown
#A0522D – Sienna#A52A2A – Brown#800000 – Maroon
#FFFFFF – White#FFFAFA – Snow#F0FFF0 – Honeydew
#F5FFFA – Mint Cream#F0FFFF – Azure#F0F8FF – Alice Blue
#F8F8FF – Ghost White#F5F5F5 – White Smoke#FFF5EE – Seashell
#F5F5DC – Beige#FDF5E6 – Old Lace#FFFAF0 – Floral White
#FFFFF0 – Ivory#FAEBD7 – Antique White#FAF0E6 – Linen
#FFF0F5 – Lavender Blush#FFE4E1 – Misty Rose#DCDCDC – Gainsboro
#D3D3D3 – Light Grey#C0C0C0 – Silver#A9A9A9 – Dark Gray
#808080 – Gray#696969 – Dim Gray#778899 – Light Slate Gray
#708090 – Slate Gray#2F4F4F – Dark Slate Gray#000000 – Black
 Silver (#C0C0C0)Earth Brown (#A2653E)
Pearl White (#FDEEF4)Platinum (#E5E4E2)Cathedral White (#FAF9F6)
Baroque Pearl (#F0EAD6)Engine Red (#DA291C)Revolutionary Red (#B31B1B)
Sky Blue (#87CEEB)Crown Gold (#FCC200)Olive Branch (#808000)
Regal Gold (#FFD700)Pine Green (#01796F)Fountain Blue (#56B4E9)
Peak White (#FFFFFF)Architectural (#A8A9AD)Crown Jewel (#4B0082)
Vineyard (#6B8E23)Sculpture Stone (#736D5C)Principality (#800080)
Balcony Ivy Green (#2F4F4F)Pebble Grey (#BEBEBE)Gladiator Gold (#FFD700)
Castle Stone (#A9A9A9)Vineyard Green (#6B8E23)Rose Red (#FF033E)
River Reflection (#4682B4)Wine Cellar (#321414)Lake Blue (#1C6BA0)
Tower Grey (#778899)Leader’s Silver (#C0C0C0)Grapevine Green (#6B8E23)
Fountain Blue (#87CEEB)Fountain Mist (#E0FFFF)Marble White (#FAEBD7)
Vineyard Purple (#800080)Stage Red (#9B1B30)Skyline Blue (#87CEFA)
Parchment Cream (#FFF8DC)Bell Silver (#C0C0C0)Gondola Wood (#654321)
Festival Red (#9B1B30)Artisan Orange (#FFA500)Venetian Crimson (#DC143C)
Waterway Blue (#1E90FF)Exhibition Ivory (#FFFFF0)Stone Grey (#A9A9A9)
Pigeon Grey (#808080)Marsh Green (#556B2F)Noble Red (#8B0000)
Serene White (#FFFFFF)Arch Grey (#778899)Concerto Gold (#FFD700)
Altar Gold (#FFD700)Lace White (#FFFFF0)Paper Cream (#FFF8DC)
Phoenix Gold (#FFD700)Dock Grey (#808080)Venetian Black (#000000)
Flooded Grey (#778899)Ash Grey (#B2BEB5)Cliff White (#F5F5F5)
Ocean Blue (#1C6BA0)Runway Gold (#FFD700)Artifact Beige (#D2B48C)
Mozzarella White (#FFFFFF)Olive Green (#556B2F)Coast Blue (#1C6BA0)
Fisherman Blue (#1E90FF)Sea Blue (#1E90FF)Lemon Yellow (#FFF44F)
Garden Green (#556B2F)Ocean Teal (#008080)Victory Gold (#FFD700)
Sorrento Blue (#1C6BA0)Olive Grove (#556B2F)Espresso Brown (#3B2F2F)
Festive Green (#32CD32)Chrome Silver (#C0C0C0)Thermal Blue (#4682B4)
Monk Robe Brown (#8B4513)Sunset Orange (#FFA07A)Canvas Cream (#FFF8DC)
Vineyard Green (#556B2F)Cliff Grey (#778899)Fortress Grey (#808080)
Stone Path (#A9A9A9)Steel Grey (#B0C4DE)Earthy Brown (#8B4513)
Antique Gold (#DAA520)Wrapper Gold (#FFD700)Mountain Mist (#95918C)
Cliff Rock (#BEBEBE)Peace White (#FFFFFF)River Stone (#A9A9A9)
Olive Branch (#6B8E23)Noble Red (#B22222)Franciscan Brown (#8B4513)
Forest Shade (#228B22)Parade Gold (#FFD700)Snowcap White (#FFFFFF)
Beach Sand (#FFF8DC)Wave Foam (#F0FFFF)Forest Green (#228B22)
Recovery Red (#B22222)Wine Red (#722F37)Stone Grey (#A9A9A9)
Festival Gold (#FFD700)Mountain Brown (#8B4513)Ocean Blue (#1C6BA0)
Fishing Net (#FFFFFF)Knight Silver (#C0C0C0)Grape Leaf (#556B2F)
Stone Path (#A9A9A9)Wildflower (#FFC0CB)Seaside White (#FFFFFF)
Castle Grey (#808080)Valley Green (#556B2F)Ironwork Black (#000000)
Battle Grey (#778899)Beach Sand (#FFF8DC)Snowcap White (#FFFFFF)
Mediterranean Blue (#1C6BA0)Wildflower Yellow (#FFD700)Kite Red (#DC143C)
Forest Green (#228B22)Sunlit Sand (#F4A460)Olive Grove (#556B2F)
Cloister Grey (#808080)Clear Sky (#87CEEB)Ocean Blue (#1C6BA0)
Olive Green (#556B2F)Deep Blue (#0000CD)Verdigris Green (#43B3AE)
Tradition Gold (#FFD700)Beach Umbrella (#FF4500)Olive Branch (#556B2F)
Warrior Silver (#C0C0C0)Vineyard Green (#556B2F)Codex Cream (#FFF8DC)
Volcanic Ash (#808080)Mediterranean Blue (#1C6BA0)Cliffside Beige (#F5F5DC)
Temple Stone (#D2B48C)Sulfur Yellow (#FFC300)Harbor Grey (#708090)
Limestone (#D2B48C)Seafoam Green (#2E8B57)Wine Red (#722F37)
Etna Orange (#FF4500)Vineyard Green (#556B2F)Volcanic Rock (#A9A9A9)
Noble Red (#B22222)Bay Blue (#1E90FF)Knight Blue (#000080)
Coral Reef (#FF7F50)Baroque Gold (#FFD700)Thermal Aqua (#00CED1)
Salt Pond Blue (#4682B4)Sunset Gold (#FFD700)Sunlit Gold (#FFD700)
Villa Stone (#D2B48C)Scholar Green (#556B2F)Gondola Black (#000000)
Vineyard Green (#556B2F)Dolomite Grey (#778899)Harvest Gold (#FFD700)
Ski Trail Blue (#1E90FF)Alpine Blue (#1E90FF)Fishing Net (#FFFFFF)
Arena Stone (#D2B48C)Bridge Stone (#A9A9A9)Villa Grey (#808080)
Sunset Gold (#FFD700)Vine Leaf (#556B2F)Flame Orange (#FF4500)
Mountain Grey (#808080)Thermal Water (#00CED1)Vineyard Olive (#556B2F)
Canoe Wood (#8B4513)Oceanic Teal (#008080)Telescope Silver (#C0C0C0)
Column Grey (#A9A9A9)Artisan Bronze (#CD7F32)Sky Light (#ADD8E6)
Engraving Gold (#FFD700)Canvas Cream (#FFF8DC)Studio Brown (#A52A2A)
Marble Grey (#BEBEBE)Plaster White (#FFF5EE)Palazzo Gold (#FFD700)
Opera Gold (#FFD700)Dome Bronze (#CD7F32)Golden Ratio Gold (#FFD700)
Power Red (#B22222)Column Grey (#A9A9A9)Stage Gold (#FFD700)
Manuscript Cream (#FFF8DC)Light Highlight (#FFFFFF)Purgatory Grey (#808080)
Canal Blue (#1C6BA0)Bishop Gold (#FFD700)Artist Beige (#F5F5DC)
Venetian Blue (#1E90FF)Heraldry Red (#9B1B30)Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
Landscape Green (#556B2F)Saintly Blue (#0000CD)Regal Gold (#FFD700)
Tuscan Sun (#FFD700)Chiaroscuro Grey (#778899)Triumph Gold (#FFD700)
Mural Gold (#FFD700)Celestial Blue (#1C6BA0)Opulence Gold (#FFD700)
Poise Purple (#800080)Majesty Blue (#000080)Monastic Black (#000000)
Determination Gold (#FFD700)Cardinal Red (#B22222)Renaissance Bronze (#CD7F32)
Florentine Green (#228B22)Cathedral White (#FFFFFF)Invention Silver (#C0C0C0)
Fresco Cream (#FFF8DC)Seashell White (#FFF5EE)Urban Grey (#808080)
Venetian Pink (#FFC0CB)Venetian Gold (#FFD700)Villa White (#FFFFFF)
Altarpiece Gold (#FFD700)Plaster White (#FFF5EE)Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)
Ducal Gold (#FFD700)Siena Red (#9B1B30)Script Cream (#FFF8DC)
Lagoon Blue (#1E90FF)Firelight Gold (#FFD700)Gold Leaf (#FFD700)
Church Stone (#A9A9A9)Cortona Gold (#FFD700)Baroque White (#FFFFFF)
Roman Silver (#C0C0C0)Artisan Blue (#1C6BA0)Adriatic Blue (#1E90FF)
Chapel White (#FFF8DC)Angelic White (#FFFFFF)Tuscan Yellow (#FFD700)
Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)Milanese Silver (#C0C0C0)Fresco Red (#B22222)
Venetian Gold (#FFD700)Venetian Gold (#FFD700)Velvet Gold (#FFD700)
Gates Bronze (#CD7F32)Fresco Green (#556B2F)Artefact Gold (#FFD700)
Fresco White (#FAF0E6)Gold Leaf (#FFD700)Medici Gold (#FFD700)
Fresco Cream (#FFF8DC)Cathedral Gold (#FFD700)Angelic Gold (#FFD700)
Perspective Grey (#778899)Fresco White (#FAF0E6)Altarpiece Gold (#FFD700)
Medici Gold (#FFD700)Lippi Blue (#1C6BA0)Halo Gold (#FFD700)
Tuscan Yellow (#FFD700)Canal Grey (#808080)Sculptor’s Stone (#A9A9A9)
Battle Grey (#808080)Legacy Gold (#FFD700)Gothic Gold (#FFD700)
Portrait White (#FFFFFF)Fiorentino Gold (#FFD700)Sophisticated Blue (#1C6BA0)
Umbrian Green (#556B2F)Florentine Red (#9B1B30) 
Black (#000000)Olive Green (#808000)Soft Pink (#FADADD)
Ivory (#FFFFF0)Bronze (#CD7F32)Royal Purple (#7851A9)
Graphite Grey (#474A51)Hope Green (#568203)Mountain Grey (#BEBEBE)
Sovereign Silver (#BFC1C2)Peace White (#F5F5F5)Royal Crest Red (#BC243C)
Frosty Blue (#E0FFFF)Terrace Beige (#F5F5DC)Glacial Blue (#368BC1)
Dome Gold (#FFD700)Regal Silver (#C0C0C0)Sunset Amber (#FFA07A)
Canvas Cream (#FFF8DC)Monarch (#C0400Verona Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
Sunlit Gold (#FFD700)Roman Red (#C41E3A)Knight Silver (#C0C0C0)
Barrel Brown (#8B4513)Balcony Green (#3CB371)Bridge Grey (#A9A9A9)
Vine Leaf (#556B2F)Harvest Gold (#DA9100)Moat Blue (#000080)
Gentry Gold (#FFD700)Earthy Brown (#8B4513)Cobblestone Grey (#808080)
Sunlit Path (#FFD700)Pilgrim Grey (#708090)Sunset Orange (#FFA07A)
Drama Gold (#FFD700)Evening Shadow (#778899)Ink Blue (#27408B)
Verona Red (#B22222)Venetian Red (#B22222)Venetian Blue (#276478)
Seafoam Green (#93E9BE)Palazzo Grey (#708090)Merchant Gold (#FFD700)
Gallery Grey (#BEBEBE)Gondola Black (#000000)Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
Sand Beige (#F4A460)Grand Canal Blue (#4682B4)Ducal Gold (#FFD700)
Sunset Orange (#FFA07A)Harmony Green (#228B22)Religious Red (#9B1B30)
Island Green (#3CB371)Ink Black (#000000)Curtain Black (#000000)
Seafoam (#2E8B57)Masquerade Silver (#C0C0C0)Rain Cloud (#B0C4DE)
Sunset Orange (#FFA07A)Yacht Silver (#C0C0C0)Sand Beige (#F4A460)
Spotlight White (#FFFFFF)History Black (#000000)Tomato Red (#FF6347)
Mediterranean Blue (#4682B4)Cliffside Grey (#778899)Neapolitan Gold (#FFD700)
Lemon Yellow (#FFF44F)Cliff Grey (#A9A9A9)Fresco Blue (#87CEEB)
Sunset Pink (#FFC0CB)Naples Green (#2E8B57)Zest Green (#9ACD32)
Ruins Grey (#808080)Artisan Gold (#FFD700)Night Sky Blue (#1C6BA0)
Headlight White (#FFFFFF)Sandstone Beige (#D2B48C)Olive Green (#556B2F)
Pebble Grey (#BEBEBE)Fresco Blue (#87CEEB)Barrel Brown (#8B4513)
Wine Cellar (#321414)Heraldic Red (#B22222)Blossom Pink (#FFC0CB)
Lush Green (#228B22)Leafy Green (#6B8E23)Fortress Stone (#A9A9A9)
Ribbon Red (#DC143C)Wild Boar Grey (#808080)Forest Green (#228B22)
Pilgrim Grey (#778899)Sky Blue (#87CEEB)Sunset Gold (#FFD700)
Banner Gold (#FFD700)Meadow Green (#3CB371)Rustic Stone (#A9A9A9)
City Silver (#C0C0C0)Rock Brown (#8B4513)Harbor Grey (#708090)
Maritime Green (#2E8B57)Sky Blue (#87CEEB)Hope White (#FFFFFF)
Olive Grove (#556B2F)Sunset Orange (#FFA07A)Valley Green (#556B2F)
Wildflower Yellow (#FFD700)Coral Pink (#FF6F61)Seafoam (#2E8B57)
Dusk Blue (#27408B)Vineyard Soil (#321414)Aqueduct Blue (#1C6BA0)
Mountain Sky (#87CEEB)Sunset Red (#FF6347)Crown Gold (#FFD700)
Stone Grey (#A9A9A9)Craft Gold (#FFD700)Heroic Red (#B22222)
Ocean Blue (#1C6BA0)Bark Brown (#8B4513)Sunrise Gold (#FFD700)
Stream Blue (#1E90FF)Sandstone (#D2B48C)Twilight Blue (#27408B)
Deep Sea Green (#2E8B57)Stone Path (#A9A9A9)Stained Glass (#0000CD)
Wildflower (#FFC0CB)Coral Pink (#FF6F61)Mediterranean Blue (#1C6BA0)
Cliff Grey (#778899)Ancient Stone (#D2B48C)Village Stone (#A9A9A9)
Shallow Water (#ADD8E6)Coastal Fog (#708090)Battle Red (#9B1B30)
Earth Brown (#A52A2A)Monk Robe (#80461B)Basalt Black (#000000)
Palazzo Stone (#A9A9A9)Olive Grove (#556B2F)Sunlit Gold (#FFD700)
Quarry Grey (#A9A9A9)Lighthouse White (#FFFFFF)Azure Sky (#87CEEB)
Coral Red (#FF6F61)Sea Blue (#1C6BA0)Sicilian Sky (#87CEEB)
Coastal Sand (#FFF8DC)Sea Green (#2E8B57)Golden Wheat (#FFD700)
Coral Pink (#FFC0CB)Crusader Silver (#C0C0C0)Cave Stone (#A9A9A9)
Cocoa Grey (#808080)Fishing Net (#FFFFFF)Flamingo Pink (#FC8EAC)
Coastal Blue (#1E90FF)Venetian White (#FFFFFF)Artisan Blue (#1C6BA0)
River Blue (#1E90FF)Murano Glass (#FF6F61)River Stone (#A9A9A9)
Forest Pine (#228B22)Farmland Green (#556B2F)Mountain Stone (#A9A9A9)
Granite Grey (#808080)Seaweed Green (#2E8B57)Veronese Green (#556B2F)
Alpine White (#FFFFFF)Column Gold (#FFD700)Medieval Stone (#A9A9A9)
Sunlight Yellow (#FFD700)Venetian Sea (#1E90FF)Alpine Blue (#1E90FF)
Hill Stone (#A9A9A9)Sunset Orange (#FFA07A)Mountain Mist (#95918C)
Compass Gold (#FFD700)Astronomical White (#FFFFFF)Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)
Chisel Grey (#808080)Palette White (#FFFFFF)Drafting Grey (#808080)
Brush Gold (#FFD700)Frame Gold (#FFD700)Studio Black (#000000)
Mural Red (#B22222)Noble Blue (#000080)Symphony Black (#000000)
Blueprint Blue (#1C6BA0)Spiral Black (#000000)Diplomacy Gold (#FFD700)
Estate Green (#556B2F)Curtain Black (#000000)Ink Black (#000000)
Shadow Grey (#778899)Paradiso Blue (#1C6BA0)Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)
Papal White (#FFFFFF)Canvas Cream (#FFF8DC)Gondola Black (#000000)
Crest Gold (#FFD700)Cloud White (#FFFFFF)Fresco Red (#B22222)
Pious Grey (#778899)Ducal Black (#000000)Florence Blue (#1C6BA0)
Highlight White (#FFFFFF)Battle Grey (#808080)Fresco White (#FAF0E6)
Divine Gold (#FFD700)Drama Black (#000000)Artistic Blue (#1C6BA0)
Crown Gold (#FFD700)Holy Gold (#FFD700)Artisan Grey (#A9A9A9)
Gallery Gold (#FFD700)Artisan Grey (#808080)Patina Blue (#4682B4)
Piazza Stone (#D2B48C)Codex Cream (#FFF8DC)Vatican Gold (#FFD700)
Ocean Blue (#1E90FF)Column Gold (#FFD700)Gilded Gold (#FFD700)
Palace Stone (#A9A9A9)Column Grey (#A9A9A9)Fresco White (#FAF0E6)
Sistine Gold (#FFD700)Artist Grey (#808080)Regal Red (#B22222)
Olive Grove (#556B2F)Guild Gold (#FFD700)Gondola Black (#000000)
Reformer Grey (#808080)Painter’s White (#FFFFFF)Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
Fresco Red (#B22222)Gold Detail (#FFD700)Sky Blue (#87CEEB)
Gilded Gold (#FFD700)Gondola Black (#000000)Umbrian Gold (#FFD700)
Heaven Gold (#FFD700)Siena Brown (#A52A2A)Chapel Grey (#808080)
Artist White (#FFFFFF)Tuscan Gold (#FFD700)Palladian Blue (#1C6BA0)
Canvas Cream (#FFF8DC)Venetian White (#FFFFFF)Florentine Blue (#1C6BA0)
Artistic White (#FFFFFF)Fresco Grey (#808080)Chapel Gold (#FFD700)
Cathedral Cream (#FFF8DC)Fresco Pink (#FFC0CB)Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)
Fresco White (#FAF0E6)Monk Robe Grey (#808080)Tuscan Sun (#FFD700)
Tuscan Gold (#FFD700)Artist White (#FFFFFF)Renaissance Red (#B22222)
Artisan Gold (#FFD700)Purity White (#FFFFFF)Architectural Stone (#A9A9A9)
Gondola Black (#000000)Bronze Detail (#CD7F32)Knight Gold (#FFD700)
Canvas Cream (#FFF8DC)Fresco Blue (#87CEEB)Courtly Red (#B22222)
Canvas White (#FFF5EE)Gilded Gold (#FFD700)Renaissance Gold (#FFD700)


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