Shams Part 7


What a great lament that of one who lives in negligence, wasting his life and refusing the company of those who have knowledge of his Lord! It is evident that he will have lost the divine gifts in the two worlds and his name is erased from the Tablet of those close to God. God take care of us from being abandoned and rejected, and save us from languishing in estrangement, He is the One Who bestows His favor, the Noble, the One Who reveals His secrets, the One Beautified with His kindness, the Bountiful, the Sublime!


The Name ‘the Deity’ (Allah) is not included among the ninety-nine, for the Prophet (may Allah bless and save him!), did not name it among these ninety-nine Names, but it is implied in the divine Oneness of His Name Allah, may He be exalted! That is why it is not included in the list, being a Name alien to it. So His words ﴾ He is Allāh, Who there is no god but Him ﴿ counts as a single Name, being so by a secret known only to the lords of mystical perceptions.



As for His name ‘He’, it is a pronoun of absence (gayba), and it is one of His most particular names, for authentic absence belongs only to Him, for minds cannot conceptualize Him and cannot be imagined in any way. It is the name of the Essence because it expresses the absolute character of its concealment and the lack of restrictions and attributes that would inevitably imply a conceptual representation. Huwa is the Fatey of Names and the mother of his book, from whom the mansion of the alif between the letters1 has descended.

It is a Name of sublime power and is said to be the Supreme Name. To those who recite it eleven times in the state of detachment (altajīd), without any inner voice in their heart but His, when they finish their remembrance, God opens one of the doors of Vigilance to the extent of their spiritual predisposition. And He is one of the Names of great power by which those who are in the highest degrees of Infatuation (alwalah) are distinguished. It has the number eleven2, which is the fourth prime number, and it is the total numerical result of the letter hā’ 3, and that is why it is the fifth odd number4. And it is a number of the Essence (2ātī) being a closed, indivisible number.

As for the names of His letters, according to one criterion they are equivalent to His name ‘Guide’ (Hādī), and in another way to His ‘Unique’ name (Wā¬id).5 And its magic square is as follows:

1 That is, the alif occupies the same place among the letters as huwa among the Names.
2 Huwa:5(h)+6(w)=11.
3 This total result is obtained by adding the numerical value of the hā’ (5) plus the value of the sum of the letters

that make up its name: 5 (h) + 1 (a) = 6 ; 5 + 6 = 11.
4 Note that in the ratio of prime numbers and odd numbers, unity is not counted.
5 The name of the letrahā’ is equivalent to 6(h+a)yeldelawāw a13(w+a+w).6+13=19=Wā¬id.On the other

criterionalahamzaunvalue1,soquelahā’ equals7(h+a+hamza).7+13=20=Hādī.



Munaŷŷin Chafī 1⁄4ā¬ib

Mu’īn ‘Adl Ra¬īm

Wāfin Munŷid Kahf


123 128 121 122 124 126 127 120 125

  1. 245


Fig. 64


As for His name ‘the Deity’ (alIlāh), it is of enormous value, it has a magic square of 3 x 3 for its even numerical value, and a magic square of 4 x 4 for its odd value. The starting point of
his ternary magic square is the hā’.

Whoever engraves the ternary magic square on a silver ring, when Saturn is at its moment of exaltation, has under his obedience all spirituality.

Whoever recites it continuously is obeyed in the earthly world.

If it is pronounced by one of the Gnostics after a fast and continuous remembrance, spirituality responds in the form of wild animals and asks him what he wants.

It has the number 37 in its pronounced value, and 36 in its numerical value written1. It is one of the

names that encompass the odd and even. And it has 43 meanings, due to the concealment of the wāw in hā’ 2.

The 4 x 4 magic square is as follows, and next to it appears the 4 x 4 square. He was cautious with it and tries to understand.

Fig. 65

yā yw Ð

and 12 yd

yh ¬ yŷ


Hā’ alif lām hamza 56 72 110 8

113 9 55 69

Mubīn huwa hādin mubayyin awwal


Fig. 67


Fig. 66

And as for His name ‘Allāh’, for it is a Name of great value. It is the Name by which the Creator singled Himself, and its meaning is ‘the absolute Lord’ (al-Sayyid), for it is the Name which comprises the rest of the Names, and they are but an attribute of the Creator, while the latter does not represent the attribute of any of them.

Whoever recites it continuously, no one will be able to look directly at his face because of the respect it will command.

1 In the value of its pronunciation, the subscribed alif of the name is taken into account.

2 We do not know the meaning of these words, although we do understand that the wāw (6) is hidden in the hā’ (5 + 1).


Whoever writes it while the sun is at its height on the surface of a noble material, burns with it every rebellious demon.

If you take it with you on a bitterly cold day and recite it continuously, you won’t feel cold at all.
If it is engraved on a ring and worn by the person suffering from phlegmatic fever, it is restored on the spot.
Who engraves his 4 x 4 magic square on a waxed parchment1, the sun being in Leo, and the

He carries with him after reciting the Name 317 times, whenever he puts his hand in the water it will boil, God willing, exalted be He! For this it is necessary to be in a spiritual state close to God.

Whoever knows its value, its knowledge makes everything else dispensable for it, for it is the Supreme Name of God, with which when you invoke you are attended to and if you pray it is granted to you. Hence its visible virtues indicate the following: that it is the Name that causes prayer to be heard, and that it is the first of the manifested Names, the one that brings together the realities of all of them and the one that contains their subtlest concepts.

Its magic square is like this, whose perpetual sum is 66. Try to understand.

Fig. 68

Whoever arranges it in a 5 x 5 magic square and carries it with him, it will not be difficult for him to solve any of his issues or adversities. It is as follows:

Fig. 69

  1. 246


21 26 19

20 22 24

25 18 23


18 10 23 14 1 12 4 16 8 26 6 24 15 2 19 5 17 9 22 13

25 11 3 20 7


[The one performed under this Name] is the invocation of those who are in the highest degrees of Love in their spiritual retreats, and it is also beneficial to the person whose name is Muhammad, if he recites it continuously saying “Allāh, Allāh…”. Then he will consider the number of times he has recited the Name, and he will repeat the recitation again adding the words of the Prophet: “Allāh, Allāh, my Lord, I associate nothing with Him.”2 It is also a beneficial recitation for one named ‘Abd Allāh.

This Name has the number 67 in its pronounced value and the number 66 in its written value3. The names of their letters add up to 260, and this is equivalent to two sublime Names [added together], which are ‘Most High’ (‘Alī) and ‘All-Knowing’ (‘Alīm).

1 We interpret the term muhral or muhzal in the manuscript to be a misreading of muhraq.
2 Ibn Mājaa, no. 3872. According to this ‘adiī£, the Prophet used these words in moments of unrest (karb).
3 The sum of the value of its written letters is 66, while in the value of its pronunciation, the alif is counted

subscribed by the word.



This noble Name has a 5 x 5 magic square that is composed by the secret of harmonic fit (altadajjul), Saturn being in its exaltation. Whoever performs it and carries it with him will not fail to be immersed in the pleasure of God, exalted be He, and everyone who sees it will have sympathy for it without causing him any annoyance.

Whoever puts it in the water and gives a drink of it to those who have a burning fever, recovers immediately.

Whoever recites it continually, is seen by creatures with the eyes of mercy. Its recitation is also beneficial to one who is called ‘Abd al-Raman. And you must know that whoever recites it continually, is treated with kindness in all his situations.

It is narrated from al-Jiar (peace be upon him) who said: “Whoever prays the evening prayer (al’a1⁄2r) on Friday looking at the qiblah, and says, ‘Yā Allāh, yā Raṁn’ until the sun goes down, will not ask Allah for anything that He will not grant him.”

It has the number 298, which is an even number of odd and defective (nāqi1⁄2), whose divisors add up to 1521. This is equivalent to His name “One Who Perpetuates” (mubqī), which is in terms of its literal numerical value. As for its pronounced numerical value and it is 299, it is an odd, defective number, whose divisors add up to 37, which is equivalent to His name ‘the Deity’ (alIlāh). And the names of its letters add up to 406, which is equivalent to two noble Names: ‘Originator’ (Mubdi’) and ‘Creator’ (FāÐir)2.

Its magic square is as follows:



Nām¬r 38 11 198 48 4 196 51 2 41 9

5 39 7 199 49 10 197 52 3 37


Fig. 70


This Name is of great value if it is arranged in a 4 x 4 magic square through the secret of harmonious fit, for its bearer will be treated kindly in all situations.

Whoever recites it continuously is attended to in his prayers, and it is security in the face of the vicissitudes of fate.

The appropriate time to harmonize their lyrics is during the exaltation of the Moon.

1 In the original it says 153.
2 Mubdi’ (80+1+9+200=290)+FāÐir (40+2+4+70=116)=406.

  1. 247


It is also beneficial for all burning fevers, if you write next to its square: ﴾ And with the Qur’an we send down a cure and a mercy for the believers ﴿1.

His recitation is also beneficial to one named Ibrāhīm, if He adds to it His Name ‘the Purifier’ (Mu’ahhir) 2.

He has the number 258, which is an odd number, elongated and complex, which doubles the value of His Name LaÐīf, triples His Name Badī’ and is six times His Name Awwal. It is also an abundant number whose divisors add up to 270, which is equivalent to His name ‘the Noble’ (al-Karīm).

It has a rapidly influencing magic square, and it is as follows:


85 90 83

mī¬r 201 7 11 39 12 42 198 6

5 199 41 13


84 86 88


89 82 87


Fig. 72

The names of his letters add up to 313, which is equivalent to his name Yā Ba1⁄2īr, counting the ‘yā’ of the vocative, so be careful with it, for Allah, praise and exaltation be to him, is wiser.

And know, God guide us to his obedience, that both Names, the Gracious and the Merciful, form excellent invocations for the needy, and are the safety for those who are frightened. Anyone who engraves them on a seal on Friday at the last hour of the day, will, by virtue of such a seal, be treated complacently in all his affairs. Dispose of them sensibly.


This name is profitable for kings and for the rest of the people who are close to them. It has a magic square of 3 x 3 that is to be arranged on a gold leaf, and it will be written next to it: ﴾ Say: God, King of Sovereignty, give Dominion to whom you want ﴿3, until the end of the verse. This is one of the sublime secrets, for its bearer will not cease to be loved and respected by kings.

His 2ikr is very useful for one named ‘Abd al-Malik, and his magic square is one of the most beneficial:

1 Cor. XVII:82.
2 Ibrāhīm has 258 and Muðahhir 259. 3 Cor. III:26.

Fig. 71



29 34 27


28 30 32


33 26 31


Fig. 73


To easily achieve the goals, the numerical magic square must be engraved on a sheet of gold when the sun is at its peak. A ruby will be set in it, and all of it will be put in a signet-shaped
ring. If a king carries it with him, he will not pass in front of someone powerful without him joining him, and no one
will be able to hold his gaze, even if he is the bravest of creatures.

Know it and dispose of it with caution, for [this talisman] was in the hands of ®ūlQarnayn, it was composed for it by Plato the Wise, and the lions fled from it by virtue of its harmonious arrangement and the Name it contains.

This is the form of its arrangement, and sometimes some people compose it in this other way, as you can see:

  1. 248


m 13 37


27 l 33


23 47 k


Fig. 74

This second arrangement is excellent, preserve it without making it known, because it is part of the red sulfur.

[The Name] corresponds to the number 90, which is the spiritual realities of the letters of worship, which is one of the names ordered according to the numerical degrees revealed. It is an odd even number, multiple of prime and abundant number, by adding its divisors 144, which is equivalent to alluding to His Name ‘the Perpetual’ (alBāqī), also counting ‘al’.

The names of his letters add up to 262, which is equivalent to his name ‘One who answers the prayer’ (Mujīb alda’wat). Meditate on it, for God opens the hearts of the purest devotees to the understanding of the brightest secrets.


This Name is of enormous value. To those who recite it continually until they reach a spiritual state, God frees them from all reprehensible desires.

It will be arranged harmoniously in a numerical ternary magic square, which will be inserted in a literal quaternary magic square, writing it when Jupiter is in its exaltation, because God will transform every reprehensible behavior of its bearer into a behavior worthy of praise, he will be loved and honored by creatures and God will promote his praise in tongues.


Fig. 75



Its recitation is beneficial to one who is called ‘Abd al-Quddūs, and also to one who is called Isaq.

It has the number 174 in its pronounced value, and 170 in terms of the value of its written letters. It is one of the hidden secrets and one of the most excellent Even-Numbered Names in all respects.

As for the number [174] of His pronunciation, it is an odd number, elongated, concentric, and abundant, by adding Its divisors 176, which is equivalent to His ‘Immense’ Name (Mawsi’).1

As for the number [170] of His written value, it is also abundant, for His divisors add up to 1912, which is equivalent to His Name ‘Benefactor’ (Mannān).

The names of their letters add up to 3493, and this is equivalent to two noble Names, ‘Deity’ (Ilah) and ‘Watcher’ (Raqīb).

Your magic square is as follows. Dispose of it cautiously, for it is one of the hidden secrets:


Fig. 77


Whoever bears with him this Name of sublime essence God, exalted be He, avoid seeing that which displeases him. He who recites it continually is safe from all misfortunes, for in its recitation there are secrets known to the masters of the first and last spiritual degrees. If the fearful one undertakes his 2ikr, he is safe and thus makes up for all deficiencies.

It has a great value 4 x 4 magic square, and this is as follows:

Fig. 78

1 In reality, the divisors of 174 add up to 186. The name Mawsi’ adds up to 176. 2 According to our accounts 154.
3 In the original 341.


sūddq 99 9 5 61 4 58 102 10

11 101 59 3

  1. 249

Fig. 76


31 59 37 4

58 32 3 38

2 39 61 29



He has the number 131, which is a prime number equivalent to His Name ‘Protector’ (Kāfil). The b names of its letters add up to 392, which is equivalent to two noble Names: ‘Clement’ (Ra¬mān) and ‘Mighty’ (‘Azīz).

His 2ikr is beneficial to the person whose name is ‘Abd al-Salām and also Muhammad, for you should know that if you add one to the odd number of Salām, the name of Muhammad1 remains, Allah bless him and save him, which is the heart of the world, in the same way that Surah YāSīn is the heart of the Qur’an, and the heart of YāSīn is: ﴾ Peace!: The Word of a Merciful Lord ﴿2, which is a verse of sublime value, for in it is the Supreme Name. And it has a talismanic figure of enormous value to which we have referred in the book The Revelation of the Secrets of Lordship3. Anyone who wants to dispose of it should consult it, as it is one of the hidden secrets. Think about it sensibly, for God speaks the Truth and shows the way.


The particularity of this noble Name is that it gives security. To those who undertake their 2ikr, God prevents their tongue from uttering lies.

It has a magic square of 4 x 4 that is composed at the moment of Jupiter’s exaltation, since its author will not fail to be accepted by all creatures, and God will facilitate everything related to his religious duties and his earthly affairs. And his 2ikr is beneficial to one who is called ‘Abd al-Mu’min.

He has the number 136, the odd and even number, and is twice as fast as His name ‘the Judge’ (al ©akam).5 It is a defective number when adding its divisors 134, which alludes to His ‘Everlasting’ Name (1⁄4amad). The names of His letters add up to 299, a number that alludes to His Name ‘Clement’ (Ramān). And this is the shape of its square:

Fig. 79

1 That adds up to 132.
2 Cor. xxxvi:57.
3 Kašf alasrār alrabbaniyya, of which there are apparently no manuscripts.
4 It can also be translated: ‘One who gives security to His servants’ or ‘One who confirms His servants in the faith.’
5 In the original we read the akīm, which must be a mistake, since that name adds up to©78 and is not half of the


25 45 47 19 35 31 29 41 27 39 37 33 49 21 23 43

  1. 250
  2. For them we suppress the yā’ and read ©akam.



It is one of the sublime Comprehensive Names. One who undertakes his 2ikr until he reaches a spiritual state derived from it, comes to know his essence completely, the hidden part of his secrets and what God deposited in every particle of his existence regarding faith and its firmness.

To those who engrave their magic square on a seal when the Moon or Saturn are in their exaltation and after having recited the Name the number of times of its numerical value, God frees him from the evil of the accursed Devil; and if he recites it continually while possessing a sincere spiritual condition, God makes him see the hidden of his cunning and tempting whispers.

It is one of the Names of absolute inclusion (ali¬ā) and of the mastery of general concepts, the value of which can only be estimated by the one to whom the realities of the Names have been revealed.

It has the number 145, an odd and elongated number, since it results from multiplying the inside of all the grouped letters, and is on the outside of all of them, even in the visible part of itself, and hence its absolute inclusion2. It is a defective number, whose divisors add up to 35, which alludes to the return of the Decree of everything that belongs to it, due to the absolute inclusion that resides in it. Hence the question arises as to whether it is used to pray for the different aspects of the Realization of the Testimony3. The names of its letters add up to 303, a number that is an allusion to two glorious Names: ‘One’ (A¬ad) and ‘Creator’ (FaÐir).

It is said that one of the orthodox Caliphs who was ‘Umar b. al-Jaððāb, and only Allah knows for sure, was asked about the meaning of this Name and he hesitated in the answer. Then a
Bedouin woman who spoke eloquently referred to her husband’s case, and said: “O Prince of the Believers, my husband is a slave in my possession, there he is on the threshold of the gate [watching over my safety], in him I have a custodian (muhaymin). Do you have any attentive watchmen (musayir)?” At that time the meaning of the Name was made clear to ‘Umar and to the one who was present with him.


It has a 5 x 5 magic square which is one of the best-kept secrets, whose starting point is five for the mystery of His saying: ﴾ Kāf hā’ yā’ ‘ayn 1⁄2ād ﴿ ﴾ ©ā’ mīm ‘ayn sīn qāf ﴿, and which is a natural odd number, due to the generation (intāŷ) implied by odd numbers, which is the desired fruit and the goal sought. That is why singular numbers point to the world of spiritual contraction and Majesty, and pairs point to the world of expansion and Beauty. Its magic square is as follows:

1 Translation uncertain.

2 Uncertain meaning of these words. It could refer to the fact that 149 is divisible by 29, the total number of letters if we include the hamza.

3 Uncertain translation.



Not me and mh

9 46 49 41 47 12 38 48 39 47 48 11


Fig. 81

Fig. 80

In it lies the mystery of Names such as al-alīl, al-amīl, al-Mujammil, al-Malik, al-Malīk, al-Mālik, al-Manān, alMuhaymin, al-Kāmil, al-Mukmil, al-Kālī, alMukallim, alMunazzil, alMuzayyin, Lā ilāh illa Allāh, Mālik almulk, Alif lām mīm, Æā’ hā’, Amānī, Malī, Zakī, Muzakkī, Munīl, Munŷī, Munŷiz, Ilah, and all that corresponds to these Names and to all their letters, which are ten: a ŷ h z Ð y k l m n. And they add up to 175, which is the number of the septenary magic square1. Meditate sensibly on these numerical secrets and these literal links, for in them there are wonderful secrets for those who come to taste a part of the Wisdom inspired by God, to which no one can reach except those who most desire it. God, praise and exalted be He, speaks the Truth, and He guides the Way.

  1. 251



This Name is of enormous value and has a magic square of 4 x 4, in which it is not possible to apply the secret of harmonic fit (sirr altadājul) since the letter zay is repeated in it.

He who records it while Mars is in his exaltation, acquires power over the enemies of God, exalted be He, just as if he recites continually.

Whoever is afraid to have recourse to one of the princes for his help, and fears to humble himself before him to ask for his needs, let him make continual use of his recitation, for when he does this, God gives him whatever he desires without having to humble himself before anyone. To the one who continually makes use of the 2ikr of His Name “al’Azīz”, Allah strengthens him after he has humbled himself and gives him security after his fear.

His 2ikr is beneficial to one who is called ‘Abd al’Azīz. And to those who know their secret, God beautifies their interior with Power. Do you not see that this Name alludes to His Name “Yā Jamīl”, counting the ‘yā’ of the vocative? And it is that it has the number 94, which is an even number of odd, elongated and defective when adding its divisors 50, which alludes to the letter nūn, which is the center of all occult science and visible gift, from which everything humbles itself and asks for what it is in need of. And because of the dominion (istīlā’) of the Mighty over the visible and the hidden, their number doubles the value of ‘the
Governor’ (alWālī),2 for the government (wilāya) belongs first to the
hidden and the second to the visible. The names of its letters add up to 178,
a number that alludes to two glorious Names: ‘King’ (Malīk)3 and ‘Wise’
(©akīm). And this is his magic square:

Fig. 82

1 We do not know which square it refers to, as well as the relationship of these Names with this section.

2 Name that adds up to 47.
3 We read ‘Malīk’ instead of ‘Malik’ as in the original, so that both names add up to 178.


yz yh yÐ mÐ hm nŷ 35 21 31 h na 25 29 33 z ya 27 37 23 mz yŷ mŷ lÐ Ð ma

19 29 30 16 24 22 21 27 20 26 25 23 31 17 18 28



Whoever undertakes the 2ikr of this splendid Name will not look at anyone without covering him with respect for him, making him unable to hold his gaze. It has a 4 x 4 magic square that is composed by the secret of harmonic fitting and Mars being in its exaltation. Its bearer will be respected by all people, and everyone who meets him will submit and make his will his own. His 2ikr is indicated for one who is called ‘Abd al-Abbār and also Mūsa.

It has the number 208 in its pronounced value, and 206 in terms of the value of its written letters. The first of the numbers is even of the even, whose odd results from multiplying an irrational number that is 13 by 16, which is the quadruple of four. [The 208] is an abundant number whose divisors add up to 226, which alludes to His Name ‘the Truthful’ (al1⁄4ādiq), counting the article, due to conformity with the better of two assumptions that resides in Good1.

A certain king said to his wise minister: “Why did God create flies?” And he [his minister] said: “To humiliate tyrants, for they descend upon them alighting on their beards. That is why the flies did not land on the one who is totally free from being called a tyrant, and that is our lord Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allāh, may God bless him and save him!

Know that, God help us in obedience, he who undertakes his 2ikr until he reaches a spiritual state derived from it, then engraves it on a copper plate and sends it to the house of a wicked man, for it will be destroyed. Try to understand that, for it is especially useful for kings, who if they recite it continually, are feared by all who try to rival them.

And whoever writes His Name ‘the Almighty’ (al-abbār) and ‘Lord of Majesty and Generosity’ (®ūlŷalāl walikrām) on a sheet of paper at the time he pleases and being under ritual purity, and puts it on his head [under the turban] when he sits among the people, Allah beautifies him in the eyes of others.

As for his magic square, it is as follows:

  1. 252



51 54 59 44 58 45 50 55 46 61 52 49 53 48 47 60

41 38 45 52 29 50 32 39 36 48 24 46 52 30 42 22 4 37 44 55 47 46 31 43 35


And the names of its letters add up to 368, which is the sum of two glorious Names: ‘Victorious’ (Qāhir)2 and ‘Hidden (BāÐin). Try to understand.

1 Uncertain meaning.
2 In both manuscripts it reads Ýāhir.

Fig. 83

Fig. 84



Whoever writes this Name of sublime essence on the walls of a city or around a house or other building, writing it around it in ninety-four places while the preacher is in the pulpit during a Friday sermon, God, exalted be He, protects that city or building from any event or threat that occurs during the night.

Whoever arranges it in a 5 x 5 magic square composed by the technique of harmonious fitting of numbers and letters and Mars being in a moment of exaltation, humiliates every arrogant person thanks to it, as if he makes continuous use of his 2ikr.

One of the masters of intuitions mentioned that the person who undertakes his 2ikr gets the powerful to let themselves be guided by him and listen to his words.

It has the number 664, which is the even number of the odd and even number, and is one of the defective numbers whose divisors add up to 596, which alludes to two glorious Names: ‘Overcomer’ (Qāhir) and ‘Creator’ (FāÐir).

This number [664] is four times the value of His ‘Subsistent’ Name (Qayyūm), and eight times the value of His Name ‘the Glorious’ (alJaalīl).1 And the names of their letters add up to 799, a number that is an allusion to two glorious Names: ‘Judge’ (©akam) and ‘Creator’ (Jāliq).

Its magic square is as follows:


  1. 253


RBKTM 398 38 203 2 23

5 21 401 36 201 39 199 3 24 399 22 402 37 202 1


Fig. 85


This sublime name is very useful for the masters of the works and works of Wisdom2, as well as the works of corruption.

Whoever engraves it on a seal, the ascendant being one of the zodiacal signs of the fire element, wears it in a ring and copulates with his wife, she becomes pregnant, God willing, exalted be he!

1 In the case of the latter Name it is not true, since Jaalīl adds 73, while 664 / 8 = 83. 2 The term 1⁄2anā’i’ usually refers to the works of alchemy.



It has the number 731, which is a prime number, and alludes to the letter 2āl 1. Therefore humility (al2ull) before the Creator is indispensable for the creature. And the names of its letters add up to 964, a number that alludes to two glorious Names: ‘Hidden’ (BāÐin) ‘Last’ (Ājir).

Its magic square is as follows:

Fig. 86


This resplendent Name has as a peculiar characteristic the help in those works that require a long and constant process, as well as in the preparation of materials and objects to which different shapes must be given. So [his 2ikr] is profitable for the blacksmith, the carpenter, the jeweler, etc. And to those who make their 2ikr everything related to the field of shapes and models is revealed.

Know that, O may Allah guide us, that whoever undertakes his 2ikr when he is treating the bodies [of sick people], has the proper medicine in his own hand2.

It has the number 213, which is an odd number, a multiple of prime and defective when adding its divisors 75, a number that alludes to His Name ‘Judge’ (Dayyān). And it also results from multiplying the letter jķīm by alif lām mīm 3. The jīm represents the reunion (alŷam’), the alif the beginning (ibtidā’), the mīm the end (tamām), and the lām the bond that unites the two.

And because of the end of the development of matter that takes place in the act of Creation (albar’), the pronunciation of the Name ends with the hamza.

A 3 x 3 numerical square has been composed that is inserted in a literal square of 4 x 4:

Fig. 87

1 Equivalent to the name of this letter.
2 This is because the root br’ to which the name belongs has meaning ‘to be cured’. 3 Ŷim (3) x Aliflāmmīm (71) = 213.



qlaj 597 4 31 99 32 98 598 3

2 599 101 29



53 46 51 63


47 56 60 50


61 49 48 55


Fig. 88



  1. 254

Whoever makes the 2ikr of this Name of enormous value is provided with all those trades he wants in which it is a matter of mixing elements and shaping materials. If you engrave your magic square on a crystal or ceramic seal, you will never err on the wrong side when working with these materials.

If one who is endowed with a sincere spiritual condition and is firmly instructed in divine science undertakes his 2ikr, the intelligible meanings in the sense-forms descend upon him, that which no one comprehends except one who has attained total wakefulness (kašf) and clear intuition.

And those who undertake their 2ikr are provided with everything related to the trades in which they try to create shapes, such as those who draw figures1, those who model glass and ceramics and whatever is similar to that.

It has the number 342 in its oral value, which is an even number of even and defective, whose divisors add up to 438, a number that alludes to two glorious Names: ‘Generous’ (Karīm) and ‘Conciliatory’ (Mu1⁄2li¬). And He has the number 336 in His written value, a number that alludes to His Name ‘Overcomer’ (Qāhir) according to the method followed by the lords of secrets2.

The names of its letters add up to 399, a number that alludes to two glorious Names: ‘He who grants’ (Māni¬) and ‘Venerable’ (Mukarram).

And its magic square is as follows:

Fig. 90


To whom he arranges this noble Name harmoniously in a square written on a lead sheet on the last night of the month, after reciting the Name the number of times of its numerical value, and then carries it with him, God, exalted be He, hides it from the eyes of every wicked person. And if he has a high spiritual condition, he thereby becomes invisible to the eyes of the people. That is why it has a magnificent utility in battles.

1 It can refer to different types of drawings or figures, such as the geometric designs so typical of Islamic art.

2 We do not know the method to which he alludes, for according to the method used so far the Name Qāhir adds up to 306. Note that fig. 90 has 306 as its perpetual sum.


R WW 1⁄2 M 89 41 199 13 42 92 10 198 11 197 43 91

101 106 99 100 102 104 105 98 103

Fig. 89



To whom the Truth compels him to witness that which he cannot bear to see, let him have recourse to his 2ikr. Also he to whom God has revealed the conditions of His creatures and the hidden parts of His secrets and is not able to conceal it, let him seek refuge in Allah, may He be praised and exalted, by the recitation of this Name.

It has the number 1361, which is a prime number, which indicates that the veil with which God hides Himself, exalted be He, has no crack whatsoever. That is why no one knows God except Himself. The names of its letters add up to 1453, which alludes to two glorious Names: ‘Who gives food’ (Muqīt), ‘Restrictor’ (QābiÅ).

As for his magic square, it is as follows. God speaks the Truth and He leads the way.



r a ff g

1001 159 3 202 157 999

2 199 998 158 201 4


Fig. 91


Whoever makes the 2ikr of this Name of sublime essence in order to curse an evil one, he is rebuked on the spot. And whoever arranges it in a square while Mars is in his exaltation and carries it with him, will overcome everyone who disputes with him and will defeat him with the final trials.

This Name is useful to those disciples while they are in the abode of the repression of nafs and the obstruction of earthly passions. It is also useful for one who is called ‘Abd al-Qahhār.

It has the number 311 in its oral value, and 306 in terms of its written letters. The names of its letters add up to 499, which is an allusion to two Sublime Names, which are ‘Creator’ (FāÐir) and ‘Equitable’ (MuqsiÐ). Try to understand:

  1. 255

This is its square:

r a hh q

11 99 197 4

98 12 3 198

2 199 101 9


Fig. 92




When the one who walks the Path (alsālik) recites this Name of great value, he sees how the goods (alarzāq) with which God sustains the world are distributed.

And to those who recite it continually, God extends his provisions.

In the same way, to the one who writes it while Saturn is in his exaltation, God grants everything he asks.

His 2ikr is very beneficial for one who is called Sulaymān and also ‘Abd al-Wahhāb.

It is one of the secrets and names that comprise several mysteries such as those of the odd and the even, since the odd resides in its pronunciation, and the even resides in its writing, since written is worth 14 and pronounced 19.

The first number is an allusion to His Name ‘the Bountiful’ (al-awād), and corresponds to that name because of the secrets of the Emanation that resides in it.

The second is a prime number, and in that quality resides a sign of Oneness, so it corresponds to His Name ‘the One’ (alWā¬id).

14 is an even number of odd and defective, since its divisors add up to 10, which alludes to the letter yā’ because it gives the meaning of giving to the gift2.

And His magic square is formed by the sum of the names of His letters, constituting a perpetual sum of 142, a number that alludes to His Name ‘O Peace’ (yā Salām) by counting the ‘yā’ of the vocative. And it is as follows:


27 31 64 20 63 21 26 32 22 66 29 25 30 24 23 65


This sublime and resplendent Name is one of the remembrances of the angel Mīkā’īl3, peace be upon him! To everyone who undertakes his 2ikr Allah, exalted be He, it makes it easier to obtain food and drink. For those who write it in a square, when the moon is at its height, God makes it easier for them to obtain provisions and what God has set aside to sustain them. And in the same way who records it on a label and recites it constantly on the night of the 14th to the 15th of Ša’bān.

His 2ikr is beneficial to one named ‘Abd al-Razzāq and also Yūsuf, and it has a magic square of magnificent value, which is as follows:

1 We interpret Emanation as the means by which God extends His gifts. 2 Uncertain meaning.
3 An angel charged with providing the creatures with their sustenance.

  1. 256

Fig. 93



q a zz r 15 199 197 4 198 16 3 98

2 99 101 13


Fig. 94

It has the number 315 in its oral value, and the number 308 in its written value, so it is one of the Names in which the mystery of the odd and the even is gathered.

As for the number 315, it results from multiplying the first odd number by the first reflexive number, then multiplying the first odd number by the first whole number, and finally multiplying the result of the first multiplication by the result of the second1. So its structural basis is alif ŷīm hā’ zāy yā’ kāf. And therein lies the erection of the alif, the gathering of the jķīm, the interior of the hā’ and its absent part, the power of the zāy, the fall of the jķā’ and the structure of the kāf. And because of the repetition of zāy in pronunciation and numerical value, what is required with it is sustenance exclusively, even if it is difficult to obtain. It is a defective number whose parts add up to 3112, which is alluded to by His Name ‘Ruler’ (Qahhār), for everyone who asks for someone’s sustenance, humbles himself before him and is under his dominion, God forbid that we have to humble ourselves before anyone but Him!

Persevere in opening a single door
so that the rest of them will open before you.

Submit yourself to one Lord
, and the rest of the people will humble themselves before you.

And its written value (308), for it is an even number of even and the odd, which doubles the value of His name ‘the Eternal’ (alQadīm) and quadruples that of ‘the Protector’ (alMawlà). It is a defective number whose divisors add up to 3563, an allusion to His Name ‘Who leads to union’ (Maw1⁄2il)4 and His Name ‘Light’ (Nūr)5, and this is unified with the inversion of its divisors6. That is why the desire for sustenance causes people to perish. A man said to ©Ātim alA1⁄2amm7: Where do you get your food?, and said: ﴾ To God belong the treasures of heaven and earth. However, hypocrites do not understand ﴿.

The names of its letters add up to 512, a number that alludes to two glorious Names, which are ‘Benefactor’ (Mun’im) and ‘Near’ (Qarīb).

1 Uncertain translation, although it seems clear that it multiplies 3 x 5 = 15; then 3 x 7 = 21. Y 15 x 21 = 315. 2 According to our calculations, 309.
3 According to our calculations, 364.
4 Equals 166.

5 Equals 256.
6 Translation uncertain.
7 Abū ‘Abd alRamān ©ātim alA1⁄2amm (d. 852 CE), celebrated saint born in the city of Balkh and disciple of

Šaqīq alBaljī (A. J, ARBERRY, Muslim Saints and Mystics, Ames: Omphaloskepsis [electronic text], p. 193).




Sometimes the masters of secrets harmonize it into a 5 x 5 magic square like this:

68 60 72 64 51 62 54 66 58 75 56 73 65 52 69 55 67 59 71 63 74 61 53 70 57

In the same way, a square will be composed with His ‘Sufficient’ Name (Kāfī), the ascendant being the one mentioned above, and then you will stare at yourself while reciting the Name. It will be engraved on the appropriate material for what is desired and the square will also be written on the utensil with which it was engraved. And he will recite it constantly until he feels the influence to the extent of his spiritual state, for he will obtain in it a help for what we have mentioned and for whatever he wants, God willing, exalted be He! It is essential that the moon is in its waxing phase and in a zodiacal constellation of good omen, and if it is in the ascendant it is more effective. He who completes the actions he must, will be on the verge of obtaining what he seeks, thank God, exalted be He!

And the one who recites when he performs it: ﴾ Had it not been for the firmness that We gave you, it would not have been long before you would have bowed a little towards them ﴿1, ﴾ God gives firmness to those who believe by means of the firm word in the life of this world and in the Last ﴿2, ﴾ On that day a man will say: Where can one escape? But no! There will be nowhere to hide. On that day they will all go to Your Lord ﴿3. As long as he recites the verses with a sincere heart and totally devoted to his aspiration, he will be worthy to obtain what he seeks.

Seek refuge in God from the ignorant, ﴾ do not take the verses of God as a mockery ﴿4, if you were to reason the dictate of God in his most sacred book, you would curse those who deny the evident Truth.

This is its square:


Fig. 95

  1. 257


2 19 11 79 22 3 78 8 77 9 21 4

Fig. 96

1 Cor. XVII:74.
2 Cor. XIV:29.
3 Cor. LXXV:102. 4 Cor. ii:229



To the one who performs the 2ikr of this sublime Name, God opens a door to that to which he directs his attention. His 2ikr is useful for those who walk the Path in the first spiritual degrees, and for those who attain Union in the later degrees.

It has a 4 x 4 magic square that is composed by the secret of harmonious lace, and its wearer will not be concerned about any issue without a door being opened to solve it.

You should know that whoever has any important need, let him use it in a wird, not in 2ikr, by doing that after praying two rak’at on Friday night. Before the first one he will recite the enduring ejaculatory prayers (albāqiyāt al1⁄2āli¬āt)1 seven times, which are Sub¬āna Allāh, al¬amdu liLlāh, lā ilāh illa Allāh, Allāhu akbar and Lā ¬awl wala quwa illa biLlāh al’Alī al’AÞīm. He will recite them before reciting the Phitia and afterwards as well. Then he will kneel with the palms of his hands on his knees and recite them in the same way. When he gets up too, when he prostrates himself too, and when he gets up again. And he will do the same in the second ra’kat. In both he will recite Surah YāSīn and Surah of Sovereignty. And after pronouncing the taslīma and the ejaculations, he will recite the Name continuously. When this is done, he will not ask God for anything that he does not obtain and it will be granted to him, and that is by opening the prayer with the ejaculatory prayers, have you not seen the correctness of his words?

Here’s the image of his square:


¬ a tt f 81 799 2 7

3 10 78 798 797 79 9 4

Fig. 97

This is one of the Names that are odd both orally and in writing. According to its pronunciation, it has the number 889, which is a multiple of prime, because it results from multiplying 7 by 127. It is a defective number, whose divisors add up to 135, a number that alludes to His Name ‘Who approaches’ (alMudannī), counting the article, by the approach (idnā’) that the opening entails (alfat¬).

Its written value is 489, which is like the first number, a multiple of prime and defective, except that its factor (Åil’) is the number three 2. Its aliquots add up to 167, which alludes to His Name ‘the Guardian of the faith’ (alMu’min), counting ‘al’.

As for the names of the letters [of the Name Fattā¬], they add up to 6021, a number that alludes to two glorious Names: ‘Unbreakable’ (Matīn) and ‘Evident’ (Mubīn). Check it out, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.

1 In addition to referring to the five ejaculatory prayers that follow, this expression designates any devout work in which God’s reward is sought, that is, the benefit of which remains forever.


  1. 258

2 That is, it results from multiplying 3 x 163 (prime number).



To him who undertakes the 2ikr of this Name of sublime essence, Allah, exalted be He, makes known to him the subtlest aspects of the sciences and their most hidden secrets.

To those who engrave it on a sheet of solid mercury when Mercury is at its peak, God makes him express himself with wisdom and teaches him the sapiential subtleties of mystical knowledge.

Whoever arranges it in a magic square engraved on a silver sheet when Jupiter is at its height, obtains an understanding of what the religious sciences contain.

His 2ikr is useful for one who is called ‘Īsà, and also for one who is called Sulİān.

Your magic square is as follows, and it has also been harmonized into a 3 x 3 magic square like this:

In this Name resides an extraordinary secret for the lords of the Ministry, and that is that creatures humble themselves before those who understand their secret, the rest of the worlds are at their disposal, their control in the universe is strengthened, and God, exalted be He, frees them from all misfortunes and spares them everything that displeases them.

And he who uses his 2ikr, learns what he did not know and the wisdom becomes manifest in his words.

The Name has the number 150, which is odd and abundant when adding its divisors 222, and this number alludes to His Name ‘Lord of Sovereignty’ (Mālik almulk).2 Hence the wise are the kings in reality, nay, they are the lords of the sovereignty of kings. And this is the number in which the secret of the letter yā’ is made manifest in the three orders, for it is a bond, it is a coercive word, and it involves a formal representation and an approach, whereas none of these three degrees takes place without Knowledge, which is attributed to Him alone. Meditate on that3.


And since the manifestation of Science belongs to the sanctified spirits, the spirit of the angel Jabbra’īl is destined to instruct the prophets, one of the noblest being our prophet Muhammad, God bless him and Save, who was inspired with humility, for God said: He [an angel] has taught him of great power and strength, for it appeared in its true form ﴿ 4.

1 In the original, 612.
2 In number 222 the letters ‘al’ of the article have been included. On the other hand, the Name Mālik almulk adds up to 212. 3 Uncertain meaning of these words. Our interpretation is as follows: the yā’ which includes the Name ‘Alīm

It represents the secret of the yā’ of the vocative (yā’ alnidā’). And it is a bond (between the one who questions and the one who is questioned), it is a coercive word (it forces the object of the call to pay attention) and it constitutes a formal or conceptual approach (on both sides so that all this occurs). All this necessarily implies the knowledge on the part of the subject of the object of his call.

mīl’ 29 71 39 11 72 32 8 38

9 37 73 31

40 90 20 l īm ‘ 80 10 60

Fig. 99

Fig. 98


4 Cor. LIII:56.


And since the holy spirit that corresponded to ‘Īsà1, peace be upon him!, was a vestige of the revelatory breath of Jabbra’īl to Ādam, for ‘Īsà was the wisest of the prophets in knowing the details of the sciences and the subtleties of the Wisdom. And among the noblest of his knowledge was the science of letters, and hence his name comes from, for in it resides his divine gift (imma) when the letter ‘ayn indicates Science, yā’ the grace of descended revelation, sīn the points of union of that which is divided, and alif absolute knowledge. And [the name ‘Īsà] has the number 141, which is precisely the value of the Name ‘Scholar’ (‘ālim), but since he had knowledge of hidden things, and that is to be ‘alīm, then his name is written with the letter yā’ 2, and so his number is equal to 150, which is the value of ‘alīm. Meditate on that, for God speaks the Truth and He guides the way.

The names of the letters [of His Name ‘Alīm] add up to 302, which is alluded to by His Name ‘Seer’ (Ba1⁄2īr). And since science (‘ilm) is an inherent sign of the external appearance of the object of knowledge, and since the acquisition of a concept entails the totality of its visible aspect, i.e., it is the acquisition of the external image of the object in the mind, then the meaning of ‘Alīm is necessarily that before whom the essence of each thing manifests itself in the totality of its external form as well as in its essence Hidden. This is one of the secrets in which intensification by the letter wāw is not relevant, because of its importance and its height that reaches the extreme of the limits and reaches the totality of existence. So it is only possible to intensify it by one of two options: either by reduplicating a consonant, as in ‘allām, which refers to one who has acquired a great deal of knowledge. Or with the letter yā’, which alludes to the descent in the revelation of the subtlest details of a notion and the perception of its hidden aspects. Therefore ‘alīm is only one who knows the details of a concept in the same way that he knows its more general aspects, and knows its hidden aspects in the same way as its visible aspects. Therefore Allah said, Exalted be He: ﴾ Above every possessor of knowledge there is a knower ﴿3, so the possessor of knowledge (2ūl’ilm) is the one who knows the general aspects of things and the knower (‘alīm) is the one who knows their particular aspects; the possessor of knowledge is the one who knows the external aspects of things and the knower is the one who knows their internal aspects; the possessor of knowledge is the one who knows their internal aspects; the possessor of knowledge is the one who knows the evident aspects of things and the knower is the one who also knows their hidden aspects. The meaning of this yā’ has been indecipherable to many judicious people, for the most unknown aspects of His Science are the most particular aspects, and this is seen in His words ﴾ Above every possessor of knowledge there is a knower ﴿.

And you should know that the superiority of some scholars over others is not the result of the acquisition of a greater number of knowledge, for if so, he would have said, “above every possessor of knowledge there is a scholar who knows more (‘allām),” and rather it has to do with the acquisition of the particular notions of the intelligible and the hidden parts of their secrets. Now, the multitude of knowledge together with the detailed knowledge of it results in sapiential superiority, but without the latter type of knowledge superiority does not take place. This is the meaning

1 Cor. II:86; V:111.
2 It refers to the alif maqsūra in the name ‘Īsà, which takes the form of the yā’. 3 Cor. 12:76.

  1. 259




From God’s words when He said to His prophet Mūsà, peace be upon him!: “We have a servant at the intersection of two great rivers, whom they call al-Jiår, who is wiser than you.”1 AlJiÅr was no wiser than Mūsà because he knew more things, which is implausible since God said of Mūsà: ﴾ And we wrote for him in the Tablets an exhortation for everything and an explanation for everything ﴿2, so rather it refers to al-JiÅr knowing the hidden aspects of things in the same way that he knew their visible aspects. Hence his place was at the confluence of two great rivers, which were the river of the visible and the river of the hidden, so that Mūsà knew that al-Jiår was in possession of a gnosis which he did not possess.

You who study these words, focus your efforts on expanding your knowledge3, for this is what Allah, praise and exalted be He, commanded His prophet to ask with His saying: ﴾ Say: Lord! Grant me more knowledge ﴿4. Meditate on these spiritual words and dispose of these divine subtleties, these gifts of faith and these sources of light, for you will find immense happiness in that knowledge which contains the allusions, and God is the wisest!


He who performs the 2ikr of this sublime Name is dominated by Majesty and Reverential Fear, without tolerating the company of anyone. Whoever composes it in a square engraved on a lead tablet when Saturn is in his exaltation and recites it the number of times of its numerical value, and finally
says, “My God, repress So-and-so’s heart and interior,” his request is quickly answered. But if
it is an evil person or hesitant to call, it will befall him. And this Name belongs to the invocations of ‘Azrā’īl5, for in it lies the secret of grasping the spirits.

It has a magic square of magnificent value, this is the shape of its arrangement. And you can also arrange your literal magic square along with your ternary numerical square as follows:



©asīb Ŷamīl Mu¬īÐ Ŷalīl 66 74 79 84 75 69 81 78 82 77 76 68

  1. 260


Fig. 100


225 228 232 218


231 219 224 229

Fig. 101


220 234 226 223


Fig. 102

227 222 221 233


1 Bujārī, no. 119, 3149; Muslim, no 4385; etc. 2 Cor. VII:145.
3 Lit. “in being ‘allām”
4 Cor. xx:111.

5 Angel in charge of collecting the souls and taking them to their final destination.


You should know, God guide us to His obedience, that when you want to suppress a person’s spirit, take up the 2ikr of this Name and name the person you want to disturb, for that will happen in the shortest period of time. Try to understand, and do not think that the influence
of the Name will take place by invoking it only for a while, for if someone recites the Surah of the Prostration for a scarce hour, he enters into harmony with some of his spiritual beings or angels (‘awālim), but if he recites it for much longer, all his angels are present remembering God with him, And
it is at that moment that he will perceive his influences on himself and on the rest of the universe, to the extent
of his spiritual presence, his purity, and his determination.

This Name has the number 903, and it is a number that represents the gathering (aljam’) that results from grasping or restraint, and the darkness (alÞulma) that results from narrowness1. It is an odd number, elongated and defective, since its divisors add up to 505. This number alludes to His ‘Wise’ Name (Rāšid), and this follows from that Name because the fact of grasping (qabÅ) with one’s own hands the goods is a sign of wisdom (rušd) [by our works], for this is also what follows from His words, exalted be He!: ﴾ If you find in them wisdom, Give them their goods ﴿2.

The names of His letters add up to 1010, which alludes to His Name ‘Enriching’ (Mugnī).


The pioneers of the secrets said that the Qur’an will rise in all its letters for 903 years, remaining for the thousand 97 years, in which the exemplars (alamel) will disappear until there is no one left on the face of the earth who knows God, exalted be He! The lords of the lights said that when the time reaches the number of that Name, the signs that indicate the arrival of the Day of Judgment will appear. And the Lords of Information said that this is the number of years remaining until the coming of that Hour, and the years that the religion (mile) of the Muslims will exist, God grant that it will last as long as the heavens and the earth exist!

And this is the secret figure in which the history of the Islamic community is dated:

1 The initials of aljam’ and alþulma add up to 903. 2 Cor. IV:6.


  1. 261

Fig. 103



Whoever recites this secret Name and this hidden mystery in fear finds safety, and if he is sorrowful he rejoices.

Whoever records it on a label in the early hours of Friday increases his joy and rejoicing, his worry and anguish disappear, and everyone who sees him feels affection for him.

If it is done by his 2ikr who has a sincere spiritual condition, God extends before him his physical and spiritual sustenance and revivifies his heart with the Spirit of divine science.

This Name is one of the recitations of the angel Isrāfīl, peace be upon him, for in it is reflected the mystery of resurrection,1 just as in His Name ‘Who shortens or restricts’ (QābiÅ) the mystery of death (alimatāta) is manifested. And his 2ikr is suitable for one who is called Ma¬mūd.

And you must know, God guide us, that whoever undertakes his 2ikr, the spirit of this Name becomes easily attainable by spreading over him in his sustenance, even if he is poor. And if he recites it constantly until he reaches a mystical state derived from the Name, he is pleased by his spiritual beings (‘awālim) and its sublime effects come upon him, and this is because he alludes to His ‘near’ Name (Qarīb) 2.

It has a fast-acting magic square of sublime essence that is arranged in a 3 x 3 numerical square, inserted in a literal 4 x 4 square, and this is as follows:

Fig. 104

It has the number 72: 2 alludes to causality (sababiyya) and 70 alludes to the essence (‘ayn) of the c object and its permanence. It is an odd and even number, abundant because of the sense of separation
that lies in the shape of its letter sīn. And its divisors add up to 123, which alludes to the numerical value of ‘security’ (alamān), for the one to whom God extends his sustenance He gives security, while the
one to whom He restricts it fills him with fear.

1 Isrāfīl is the angel in charge of blowing the horn so that the dead may rise on the Day of Judgment. 2 We do not know the criterion used to obtain this equivalence.



The names of His letters add up to 246, a number that is equivalent to His Name ‘the Pure’ (alÆāhir), for the liberation from the earthly bonds that ritual purity entails, which is contrary to spiritual contraction (qabÅ). Meditate on that, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.


This Name of great essence is useful for cursing a sinner and for exterminating a wicked one. It has a magic square of great value and has the number 1481, which is a prime number, because the dejection (jafå) [of the spirits of sinners by God’s command]1 is a wall without a breach, a darkness devoid of light and an insurmountable narrowness.

The names of its letters add up to 1598, which is what two of its glorious Names add up: ‘Helper’ (Mugī£) and ‘Majestic’ (Māŷid).

This is your magic square:

Fig. 105


To him who realizes the 2ikr of this Name of high essence, Allah, exalted be He, elevates and exalts his mention among creatures. And if he is endowed with a Path and a corresponding Harmonization (tajalluq), justice is inspired in all his activities.

It has the number 351, a complex, elongated and defective number when adding its divisors 209, the value of His ‘Equitable’ Name (MuqsiÐ), because elevation is the act of bringing something to the extreme of equilibrium (‘adl), which is equity.

The names of its letters add up to 525, which is the value of two noble Names: ‘Lord of Sovereignty’ (Mālik alMulk) and ‘Near’ (Qarīb).

Its magic square is as follows:

  1. 262

‘far 199 2 79 71 78 68 202 3

4 201 69 77

Åfaj 599 2 79 801 78 798 602 3

4 601 799 77


Fig. 106

1 V. Cor. lvi:3: He will bring down some and lift up others [on the Day of Judgment]﴿. Note that the verb ‘to elevate’ (rafa’a) corresponds to the following divine Name.



This is a resplendent Name and a dazzling secret, and everyone who is despised, by performing his 2ikr is magnified, and everyone who is ignored becomes visible to others. It is one of the sublime Names, for in it lies the strengthening of aspiration (himma)1 and the help to free oneself from natural obstacles.

Whoever harmonizes it in a magic square and carries it with him is loved by all people and drives away every sinful tyrant and every rebellious demon, for it is one of the most sublime invocations of believers.

And you should know that if the servile person undertakes his 2ikr, he is magnified, and if the person with weak aspiration undertakes it, his spirit is strengthened and Allah, exalted be He, helps him with perpetual strength and exalted magnificence, so that he is loved by the people and drives away every sinful tyrant and every rebellious demon.

It has the number 124, which is an even number of odd and even, and defective when adding its divisors 100, which alludes among the round-figure letters (¬urūf ali¬āÐa) to the letter qāf. This is a letter that indicates prevalence (Þuhūr) through force and absolute dominance (ali¬āÐa)2. And it is equivalent to two noble Names, which are ‘Sovereign’ (Malīk) and ‘Fulfiller’ (Munŷiz), for no one is able to reveal the true essences of things (ala’yān) except Who is the Possessor of all and His Sovereign, Who fulfills the promise to the people of Friendship concerning the prevalence and magnificence granted, as God said, exalted be He: ﴾ To make it prevail over all other forms of worship, even though it is repugnant to unbelievers ﴿3.

The names of its letters add up to 228, a number that alludes to two sublime Names: ‘Deity’ (Ilah) and ‘Lord’ (Rabb). And its square is as follows:

  1. 263

22 42 44 16 32 28 26 38 24 36 34 30 46 18 20 40

Fig. 107



Whoever undertakes the 2ikr of this Name of sublime essence, God, exalted be He, causes the powerful and the people whom he wants to humble themselves before him.

His 2ikr is very convenient for anyone who cannot overpower his beast of burden or cannot deal with any of the creatures.

1 In its mystical value, aspiration designates the attention of the heart and its firm intention to attain perfection (NURBAKHSH, Sufi Symbolism, i, p. 259).

2 In allusion to the following Qur’anic quote. 3 Cor. IX:33.


Whoever undertakes the 2ikr of this Name, let him do so after fasting for three days, the last of which is on a Thursday. Then he will fast on Friday night and pray two rak’at, both with the Fatia, and at the time of prostration in each of them he will recite this Name a hundred times. And after pronouncing the final greeting he will recite the Name a thousand times and say: “O One who humbles, make So-and-so son of So-and-so humble himself before me,” for really that person will lower himself before him and no one will contradict him in any matter.

And you should know that whoever recites it with the purity of the mystical moment and the attention of spiritual impetus is granted the strength that resides in it, but he will not achieve anything if sincerity does not take place in Mindfulness (altawajjuh).

Subtlety: When the people of intuitions witnessed with the ears of their hearts the letter b 2āl of humility (al2ull) as well as the position He occupied in relation to the lām of Subtlety (alluÐf) and
his connection with it, they understood that there is no way to reach Him except by the way of humility.
So they lowered themselves to be like dogs eating from landfills, and that made them obtain that magnificence that is not interrupted or ceased. And finally they were freed from the imposition of having to humble themselves before someone who is not God when they knew a Faith and witnessed a Benevolence according to
which God is the only one who humiliates.

To this Name corresponds the number 800, an even number that indicates the odd number in a nucleus (lubb) resulting from multiplying an elongated number by a squared number, and it is one of the abundant numbers, since its divisors add up to 10961. With the six he alludes to the greatness (‘ulw) of the letter wāw, with the ninety to eternity (1⁄2amadāniyya) of the 1⁄2ād, and with the thousand to the predominance (gāliba) of the gayn and its cover (gamm). And when [the gayn] is the first, then from it results the wealth (ganāt) of man, since this number [1096] is equivalent to the letters mīm, gayn, nūn and wāw, when the letters mīm, gayn and nūn are of His Name ‘Enriching’ (Mugnī), in which we do not count the letter yā’ because of its descent, for He is the one who descends before someone causing him to humble himself. So the letter wāw becomes the substitute for yā’, thus indicating the richness of whose characteristics results in the capacity to humiliate. Meditate on this, for God guides whom He wills to the right path.

And the names of the letters of this Name add up to 892, a number which is equivalent to two glorious Names: ‘Lord of Strength’ (®ūlQuwa) and ‘Majestic’ (Māyid), for to this Name corresponds the decisive force, and has a magic square of sublime power and enormous benefits. And it is as follows:

Fig. 108

1 Translation uncertain. Note that the word lubb is worth 32, and 32 x 52 = 800. On the other hand, when adding its divisors, it does not take into account the factors 32 and 25 (52).



157 160 332 151 152 335 159 154

333 ‘Alīm 156 161 158 155 153 334

  1. 264




This Name of sublime essence is very useful if one undertakes its 2ikr at the end of this invocation, for whoever recites it continuously at that moment is heard. It is one of the excellent recitations that he who performs them continuously never finds his invocation rejected.

Whoever composes it in a magic square with the moon at its height while performing his 2ikr, obtains that his words are always heard, and therefore his invocation is useful for orators and preachers.

It is also useful for one who is called Mas’ūd, for this divine Name has the number 180, which is an even number of odd and abundant when adding its divisors 2661, a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names, which are ‘Saying’ (Qā’il) and ‘Inspiring’ (Mulhim)2. This relationship takes place because the noun ‘listener’ is irremediably linked to that of ‘speaker’, and since the listener only acquires meaning through inspiration (ilhām), which constitutes the teaching of the meanings of the one who is heard, the presence of the Inspirer in this abode becomes necessary.

Since the moon is the epiphanic place of the Name ‘the Saying’, for in its sphere Ādam was established, as he was the owner of the science of Names. And in it is the House of Magnificence (bayt al’izzat)3, which is the chest of the Qur’an. And since the moon is the fastest moving star, it is also the epiphanic place of the Name ‘the Presto’ (alSarī’), from which both the names Qamar and Sarī’ are equivalent to 340. And since ‘the Listener’ is irremediably united to the ‘Speaker’, by the names of his letters he alludes to his epiphanic place, which is the moon, and to the Name manifested in it, which is ‘the Prestor’4. Meditate on that, for God speaks the Truth and He leads the way.

As for the names of His letters, they add up to 351, a number which is equivalent to His Name ‘Who Exalts’ (Rafi’). Here’s the image of his square:


‘ims 39 61 69 11 62 42 8 68

9 67 63 41


To the one who undertakes the 2ikr of this Name of great value, Allah, exalted be He, grants intuition in matters, and if he is in a sincere spiritual condition no matter concerning earthly matters will be hidden from him.

1 This is how it appears in the manuscripts, and according to our calculations they number 366.
2 According to our reckoning, both Names add up to 256.
3 NURBAKHSH, Sufi Symbolism, ii, p. 355: “The house of Magnificence represents the heart that has been

reached the abode of the Meeting, being in the state of self-emptying in God.”
4 It would not be the names of the letters of ‘Hearer’ / Samī’, which add up to 351, but those of the ‘Ear’ / Sam’ (340).

Fig. 109


It has the number 302, which is even for odd and elongated. With the two he indicates the cause (alsabab), while with the three hundred he alludes to the letter šīn of the Vision (šuhūd), for He is the cause of being witnessed, and therefore His words are the most obvious of comparisons, which is only the shell (alqišr).1

It is a defective number whose divisors add up to 154, a number that alludes to His ‘Everlasting’ Name (Qadīm), since He was, praise and exalted be He, the Seer before the forms existed.

Its square looks like this:

ri1⁄2b 89 3 199 11

4 92 8 198 9 197 5 91


Whoever performs the 2ikr of this Name of sublime essence sees his orders fulfilled, so his 2ikr is very useful for judges and rulers. This is one of the most hidden secrets.

It has the number 68, which is an odd and even number, and is one of the defective numbers, the divisors of which add up to 58. This number alludes to His ‘Pre-Eternal’ Name (Azalī) and His ‘Beloved’ Name (Ma¬būb), because of the object alluded to which the letter ¬ā’ is manifest in its pronunciation as well as in the overall value of the Name and in the sum of its divisors2.

The names of its letters add up to 201 in one way, and 200 in another3. The first of the two b numbers is equivalent to His Name ‘Benefactor [in granting entrance to Paradise]’ (Mun’im) and also to His Name ‘Savior’ (Musallim) and His Name ‘Truthful [in what He promised]’ (1⁄4adūq), and all of these are Names related to the Justice of God. The second number of them is equivalent to His Name ‘Defender’ (‘Ā1⁄2im), His Name ‘Who favours’ (Nāfi’) and His Name ‘Who bestows His favour’ (FāÅil), and these three Names constitute a clearer evaluation [of the concept of the Akam Name ©] than
the first three4.

And this Name has a magic square of enormous value:

1 By “His words” he means the Law or the Qur’an, and the shell (qišr) symbolizes precisely the Law, or the words and phrases as opposed to the inner meaning of these (NURBAKHSH, Sufi Symbolism, ii, p. 308).

2 It refers to the fact that the ¬ā’ (8) is perceptible in the pronunciation of the Name, as well as in the numbers 58 and 68, and is the first letter of Love (¬ubb).

3 That is, whether or not the hamza (1) of the name ¬ā’ is counted.

4 Evaluation involves perceiving the lights of the Attributes (Names) from the windows of His Acts (NURBAKHSH, Sufi Symbolism, vi, p. 60).

Fig. 110

  1. 265


¬ 28 30 b 18 14 12 24 10 22 20 16 32 d w 26

Fig. 111



Whoever invokes with this sublime Name to curse an evil person, he is punished on the spot.

If a judge undertakes his 2ikr, Allah, exalted be He, inspires him with justice. And his 2ikr is indicated for one who is called ‘Abd al-Mu’min.

It has the number 104: four is indicative of perpetuity (aldawām), and 100 is indicative of absolute dominion (ali¬āÐa), since every king who is just in his rule perpetuates himself in power and expands his dominion. And the subjects are irritated and the reigning dynasties fall when many injustices take place.

This is an even-numbered number of the odd and even, and abundant when adding up its divisors 106, a number d which is equivalent to His Name ‘Deliverer’ (Munŷī) and His Name ‘Loyal’ (Wafī), for he who is just behaves loyally towards his subordinates, is free from ridicule, and His subjects are free from injustice. God said, exalted be He: “David, We have made you Our vicar on earth, therefore
judge among men with the truth and do not follow desires, for they would turn you away from the way of God; verily, those who stray from the path of God will have a violent punishment for forgetting the Day of

And this Name has a magnificent magic square, the image of which is this:

(fig. 112)

Anecdotally: When a judge offered his cushion (wisāda)2 to ‘Umar [b. al-Jaððāb], may Allah be pleased with him!, he said: “This is the beginning of injustice,” meaning that one who calls himself a judge should not have favorable treatment with some people to the detriment of others, favoring his personal desires and interests, for by not showing impartiality he gives rise to a situation marked by injustice.

  1. 266

17 37 39 11

27 23 21 33

19 31 29 25

41 13 15 35




This Name of wonderful essence, of sublime power and quick in response is very useful in relieving restlessness in distressing moments, and its 2ikr serves well to prisoners and prisoners, and also to those who suffer intense pain.

1 Cor. xxxviii:25.
2 The expression ‘to throw (Ðara¬a) the cushion’ means to offer a cushion to the guest as a sign of courtesy.


And for those who are dominated by the control of their natural appetites and habits and strive in their 2ikr, Allah, exalted be He, makes it easy for him to divest himself of them and purify himself. And his 2ikr is suitable for one who is called 1⁄4āli¬.

This Name has the number 129, which is an odd and elongated number that results from multiplying 3 by 43. And it is one of the defective numbers when adding its divisors 47, which is equivalent to His Name ‘the Ruler’ (alWālī), because of the subtlety or benevolence (alluÐf) that takes place in the act of governing (tawallī); and also to His Name ‘Initiator’ (Mubdi’), because of what it entails with regard to the verdict of creation (alfiÐra), and hence it is a prime number multiplied by three.

The names of His letters add up to 1721, which is equivalent to His Name ‘One Who Approaches’ (Muqbil). Be careful with this, because God speaks the Truth, He shows the way and guides through it those who turn to Him. And in all of this there is a wonderful secret to solving difficulties.

And you must know, God guide us, that the Name ‘the Subtle’ is of great alacrity when it comes to relieving uneasiness in distressing moments, because without the need to add any other Name its prodigious effects become visible. Whoever performs his 2ikr having some kind of ailment in his body or soul, Allah causes that pain to cease during his recitation. And everyone who recites it, finding in his soul a great uneasiness, sees that matter represented in his imagination. And if he continues with his 2ikr while perceiving that idea, he witnesses how it is resolved and erased, without a single detail that causes him fear. So in all this there are wonderful secrets and wonderful matters.

And to this noble Name corresponds a square of enormous value and sublime nature, and it is as follows:

Fig. 113


This lofty Name and this resplendent secret is very useful to anyone who wants to know the hidden side of some matter, by revealing himself in his dreams or in his wakefulness. And whoever harmonizes it in a magic square while Mercury is in his exaltation, discovers magnificent matters.

And you should know that those who undertake their 2ikr for seven days, come into contact with a spirituality that will inform them of everything they want, such as what happened in that year, the news related to the king, or those hidden things that no one knows.


1 They add up to 173 according to our calculations.

fīÐl 31 8 11 79 12 82 28 7

6 29 81 13


  1. 267

It has the number 812, which is an odd number, and abundant when adding its divisors 868, to a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: ‘Creator’ (Jāliq) and ‘Immense’ (Wāsi’), for no one knows
the true reality of things except God, Who embraces them all in knowledge and Who has created them, ﴾ should not know Who has created and is the Subtle, the Shrewd? ﴿1.

The names of His letters add up to 820, a number that alludes to His Names ‘Last’ (Ājir) and ‘Unique’ (Wā¬id). And as for his magic square, this is his image as you can see:

Fig. 114


Whoever utters this Name of sublime essence in the presence of a powerful person who is angry, will calm his anger, in the same way as that of any other angry person.

And he who composes it into a square when the moon is at its height and carries it with him, his character becomes benevolent, his soul is ennobled, people desire his friendship, and he is safe from evils and worries in times of difficulty.

This is one of the Names whose value only the Gnostics can estimate. And he who performs his constant recitation obtains what he desires through persuasion. Try to understand that.

He has the number 88, which is even and odd even, and is one of the abundant numbers when adding up his divisors 92, a number that is equivalent to His Name ‘the Security’ (alAmān). That is one of the Names to which Muhammad attached special importance, and that is why he is the source of security (amana) of his companions in this life and in the next. And he is also the source of peace for his people in this life, so his plea to God was, “My God, lead my people, for they know not.”3 And that is why the name of the Prophet is equivalent, in the value of its written letters, to His Name Amān.

1 Cor. LXVII:14.
2 Cf. Muslim, no. 4596; A¬mad, no 18745.
3 This is a variant of the well-known ¬adī£ (Bujārī, no 3218, 6417; Muslim, no. 3347, etc.), in which the Prophet

tells ‘Abdullah in a vision the story of a certain prophet whom his people had beaten, and who, with a bloodied face, asked God for the forgiveness of those people who were hostile to him, a story that inevitably reminds us of the Prophet of Christianity.


rībj 599 3 9 201 8 198 602 4 5 601 199 7



The names of the letters of His Name ©alīm are equivalent to two numbers depending on the value attributed to them1: [counting the hamza] add up to 183, which is equivalent to His Name ‘Who perpetuates’ (al mubqī) including the article. According to the second criterion, they add up to 181, which is equivalent to His Name ‘the Knower’ (al’Alīm) with the article, and His Name ‘One Who Unites’ (Mu’allif) without it.

And it has a magic square of enormous heat, the arrangement of which is as follows:

mīl¬ 5 33 11 39 12 38 6 32

31 7 41 9

Fig. 115


To whoever undertakes the 2ikr of this red sulfur and this supreme lodestone, God grants constant glory and magnificence in the eyes of the people, eclipsing those who rival him in gravity. And if he is endowed with sincere spiritual status and total attention (tawajjuh), he witnesses the Decree of Allah occupying beings, so that he perceives the Decree in every creature, Allah, praise and exaltation, knows better!

And you must know, God help us to obey Him and to understand the secrets of His Names, that to whom God grants constant magnificence, God grants constant magnificence, is loved by all who see Him and becomes important in the eyes of the people.

  1. 268

It has the number 10302, which is an even number of the pair and abundant, due to the amplitude that results from the sublimity (al’uÞm). Its divisors add up to 1096, adding to the base wāw, ‘ayn, gayn 3: the wāw is
for the elevation (‘alw) towards those concepts that encompass existence in terms of superiority4;
the ‘ayn is a symbol of the apparition and the gayn symbolizes concealment, and praise be to Him who hides
Himself in the intensity of its manifestation! And the ‘ayn and the gayn are a ‘Sufficient’ Name (Ganī), so
the light of light takes place. And the yā’ is brought down, the visible part of which is the gayn5. And the consideration
of the rest of the values of this Name, as well as the common denominator of their divisors, takes place as
it is extracted by the term of the reduction. However, from this warning he will have obtained sufficiency who hears and witnesses the Truth6.

1 Taking into account or not the hamza of the letters ¬ā’ and yā’.
2 So in the original, and the correct would be 1020.
3 Uncertain meaning. On the other hand, the sum of the divisors of 1030 is 841 (or 2021, those of 1020). 4 Uncertain translation.
5 Uncertain translation.
6 Cor. l:37.


And the names of His letters add up to 1132, which alludes to two of His glorious Names: ‘Overcomer’ (Gālib) and ‘Giver’ (Māni¬). And the following is your magic square:


168 160 377 164 151 162 154 166 158 380 156 378 165 152 169 155 167 159 376 163 379 161 153 170 157


Fig. 116


Whoever performs the 2ikr of this glorious Name, Allah protects him from that which he fears, being in His custody. His 2ikr is suitable for those who repent and are overcome with melancholy, or for anyone who wants to know some secret of the travelers (alsālikūn).

And you must know, God help us to obey Him, that in this Name resides an extraordinary secret to appease the wrath of kings, since whoever is hated by any of them, if he recites it constantly and goes before them, will be safe from their wickedness and will appease their anger.


He has the number 1286, which is an even number of the odd and defective when adding its divisors 646, c number that alludes to His Name ‘Who makes odd’ (Mawtir)1, for He, praise and exalted be He,
is Odd while the essence of the name is even. And it is one of the Names that express their numerical values with their letters2.

The names of His letters add up to 1355, which alludes to two of His glorious Names, which are ‘Lord of the Throne, Majestic’ (®ūl’Arš Māŷid).

And its square is as follows:

  1. 269




79 1002 5

1001 199 7 82 4 198

197 1003 81


Fig. 117

1 In the original ‘Mūsir’.

2 This means that in the number 1286 each digit represents one of the letters of the Name: 1000 (gayn), 200 (rā’), 80 (fā’), and 6 (wāw).



To the one who performs the 2ikr of this sublime Name, the Truth and creation thank him for his good deeds and are of help to him to perform the benevolent actions he desires. By means of his 2ikr the divine favors are reaffirmed and those who have departed from them are brought back.

In this Name reside secrets to the masters of visionary revelations, who witness them at the taking place of their Realization (ta¬aqquq).

It has the number 526, where six alludes to height (al’alw), twenty is an allusion to the high place that then takes place, and five hundred alludes to the fruit (£amara) of each action, which is the extreme degree of its manifestation. It is an odd number, elongated and defective, since its divisors add up to 266. This number alludes to His Name ‘Prosperity of the devotee’ (Nu’m aldayyān), and there is a clear allusion to the increase in alms accepted by Allah (tarbiya al1⁄2adaqa),1 in the same way that each one feeds his colt or the newborn camel, thus causing it togrow.2

The names of His letters add up to 675, a number that is equivalent to two of His glorious Names [added together]: ‘Condescending’ (Sattār) and ‘Generous’ (Jawaād).


And the following is your magic square:

rūkš 19 301 199 7 302 22 4 198

5 197 303 21



Whoever performs the 2ikr of this glorious Name, Allah honors him to the point that he does not have to humble himself before anyone who is not Him, and he is loved by everyone who sees him. If he is endowed with a good spiritual condition, God reaffirms him with His help, endows him with the eloquence of Wisdom, and makes known to him the finer details of the sciences. And his 2ikr is very useful for one named ‘Ali, Allah, may He be praised and exalted, knows better!

And you should know that a certain teacher, God have mercy on him, said that whoever surrenders to his 2ikr, God exalts his power, elevates his honor, is loved by all, submits to him who is hostile to him, and perceives in the course of his life dignity and superiority in himself. And in it resides an extraordinary secret for teachers, sages, and students of the higher sciences and sublime matters.

1 That is, those good deeds by which the favor of God, who is ‘the Thankful One,’ is gained. 2 In reference to the words of the Prophet (Muslim, no. 1684; Ibn Mājāa, no 1832, etc).

Fig. 118


If ‘the Sublime’ (al’AÞīm) is added to this Name, it becomes one of the most magnificent invocations and one of the most perfect mysteries. And you must know that whoever harmonizes both Names in a square, engraving it on a golden seal that he will carry with him, and perfumed it with aloe and amber wood, he who sees him really bows down to him. Kings already performed this from the time of al-Saffā¬1 to the present day, and God consolidated his kingdom and extended his dominion.

They asked al-Ma’mūn2, “What would you do if the Persian kings came for you?” Then he took out a seal on which were both harmonized Names and said, “They would have no power over us as long as this square is with us.” It is the following square, and the appropriate time to compose it is at the height of […]:

Fig. 119

And this glorious Name has the number 120. Twenty is a symbol of manifestation in the high place, and one hundred is a symbol of concealment by what is manifested in it, along with absolute dominion (ali¬āāa), for God said: And God surrounds them behind them. This is glorious preaching on a preserved table ﴿3. And since His manifestation in every thing constitutes His existence and His concealment constitutes His elevation, for this is the result of His wisdom (ikma). And since the numerical value alludes to His characterization with Wisdom, then God has described with wisdom that which has the attribute of altitude. God said, exalted be He: ﴾ He is found in the Mother of the Book, before Us He is exalted, wise ﴿4.

  1. 270

mīÞ’īl’ Þ’īl’mī īl’mīÞ’ ‘mīÞ’īl īÞ’īl’m ‘īl’mīÞ l’mīÞ’ī

This number is even of the even and the odd and abundant, whose divisors add up to 240, which is twice the number of 120, as if one were saying ‘Alī ‘Alī, or ‘Alī huwa al©akīm. Meditate on that, for God bestows His
favor on whom He wills, God is Immense, All-Knowing.

The names of His letters add up to 212, a number that is equivalent to His Name ‘Lord of Sovereignty’ (Mālik almulk). And here’s how to arrange your magic square:

29 32 37 22 36 23 28 33 24 39 30 27 31 26 25 38

39 44 37 38 40 42 43 36 41

Fig. 121

1 Abūl’Abbās alSaffā¬, first ‘Abbasid caliph (749754).
2 Seventh ‘Abbasid caliph (813833), and son of the famous Harūn al-Rašīd. 3 Cor. LXXXV:2022.
4 Cor. XLIII:3.

Fig. 120



Whoever realizes the continuous 2ikr of this Name, everything becomes insignificant to him, and everyone who sees it loves and respects him. It is one of the recitations that are performed when presenting themselves before kings and the powerful, for their souls are dwarfed by His greatness.

It has a 4 x 4 magic square that is highly effective, and it is as follows:

And this Name has the number 232, which is even of the even of the even and the odd, and defective when adding its divisors 116. This number alludes to His name ‘Strong’ (Qawī). And the names of His letters add up to 316, which is equivalent to two of His glorious Names, which are ‘Seer’ (Ba1⁄2īr) ‘Haller’ (Wāŷid). God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.


Whoever performs the continuous 2ikr of this sublime Name in the course of a journey, God protects him until his return home.

Whoever arranges it [in a magic square] on a silver sheet when Jupiter is at its peak, any place where he places it will be safe from what he fears may happen.

Whoever recites it continuously is protected in all his circumstances.


And you must know that this Name is quick in response when it is recited by the person who passes into fear on the journeys, not ceasing to recite it as he passes through dangerous places, because God does not allow
him to be exposed to what is harmful to him. I myself, finding myself in dangerous areas of raiders and plunderers, have given myself up to their 2ikr, and I have seen wonderful things by the work of God that no one could
ever comprehend.

Whoever engraves it on a silver seal that he will carry with him, harmonizing [in a square] its numerical values and its letters inserted in the seal, nothing bad can happen to him even if he sleeps in the places where wild animals live. To this he must add the recitation “O Guardian, protect me”. As for the square of the letters and the numerical square, they are as follows:

rībk 19 3 9 201 8 198 22 4

5 21 199 7

Fig. 122


223 226 333 216 332 217 222 227 218 335 224 221 225 220 219 334

Þīf¬ f¬Þī ¬fīÞ īÞ¬f


Fig. 124

Fig. 123


  1. 271

And whoever fears that something may happen to him that he cannot bear, then let him recite it continuously. b And he [the square] shall not fail to carry with him that fears anything.

And it has been handed down to us in a trustworthy farewell (1⁄2a) that whoever recites the verse of the throne when he leaves his house, nothing bad can happen to him until his return.

Al-Kirmānī 2 said: “Whoever gives part of his goods as alms to the poor before leaving his house, dividing them among seven needy people, for that will be the reason for his safety on the way.” Meditate on that, for it is God Who grants help and success in whatever pleases Him.

A group of people came across a man sleeping in a lion’s den with his horse grazing next to him, so they woke him up and said, “Aren’t you afraid to sleep in a place like this, where wild animals roam?” Then he lifted up his head and said, “I am ashamed to fear someone who is not Him.”

And the one who attains Realization (ta¬aqquq) by this Name of sublime power, Allah protects him in all his circumstances, as it is related from Abū ‘Alī b. alDaqqāq3, Allah be pleased with him!, who said: “A certain devout person inherited ten thousand dinars, and said: My God, I need that money, but I cannot find the proper way to keep it, so I give them to You, so that You may return them to Me as I need them.” Then he gave them in alms to the poor and imposed poverty on himself. And that man never needed anything during his life, because when he needed something, God allowed him to obtain it.”

This Name has the number 998, whence the letters ¬ā’ and Þā’ are indispensable in it4. It is an even number of odd and defective, with divisors totaling 502. And 502 is equivalent to two glorious Names, which are ‘Much Loved’ (©ibb) ‘Compassionate’ (Šafīq). And the letters of their Names add up to 1002, which is equivalent to two glorious Names: ‘One’ (A¬ad) and ‘Custodian’ (©āfiÞ).

And it has a square of great value and excellent benefit, which is composed by the harmonious fit of its Names and letters. This is his figure, as you can see:



7 81 9 901 12 902 6 78 79 5 903 11

Fig. 125

1 We do not find such a tradition.
2 A¬mad b. ‘Abd Allāh alKirmānī (21st century), prolific author and famous theoretician of Ismā’īlī philosophy.
3 Abū ‘Alī alDaqqāq (d. 1016), famous Sufi šayj, founder of a jānaqa in Nisābūr, where he served as a teacher

of such notable mystics as al-Qušayrī or Abū Sa’īd.
4 Since the number ninety results from joining the fā’ and the yā’, while the nine hundred and eight correspond to

a single letter (¬ā’ and Þā’ respectively).


It is necessary to write on the four sides of the square: ﴾ God is the best protection and He is the most Merciful of the merciful ﴿1. Sometimes some connoisseurs of the secrets of letters and the effects of wrappings compose it as follows, God is wiser!

  1. 272

Fig. 126



He who realizes the continual 2ikr of this Name of sublime power, becomes a temple in which the Creation and the Decree are erected, and it is impossible that anything he may need should be denied him, for it will find its basis in him.

It is one of the recitations of the people of the Union who practice long fasts, because by reciting it constantly they do not feel hunger.

A sign that confirms the truth of this Name is the words of the prophet, God bless you and save you!: “I am not like one of you, for my Lord feedeth me, and giveth me drink.”2

This Name has the number 550, which is odd, elongated, and defective, for its divisors add up to 5193, a number which alludes to two of His glorious Names, ‘One’ (Wā¬id) and ‘Unbreakable’ (Matīn), for the Oneness which resides at the basis (qiyām) of all things. And to both Names corresponds that which makes for their unevenness, except His Name derived from both.

The names of His letters number 683, which is equivalent to two of His glorious Names: ‘Creator’ (Mujid) and ‘Avenger’ (Muntaqim). And it has a square of magnificent value, which is as follows:

1 Cor. XII:64.

©2 well-known adī£ (Bujārī, no 1827, 1828, etc.; Muslim, not 1846, 1847, etc.), in which the Prophet nevertheless forbade uninterrupted fasting to his companions, reserving to himself the possibility of doing so because of his spiritual condition close to God.

3 Not counting the divisors 22 and 25 (22 x 25 = 550), so they would add up to 566. 4 Uncertain meaning.



Fig. 127


The one who performs the continuous 2ikr of this sublime Name always has provisions, his problems are solved, his prayers are attended to, and everything he asks of God is granted to him, because in him resides an allusion to the Supreme Name of God. And if he recites it constantly, the accountant is never wrong in his results and is accurate in his calculation. And whoever fears the result of the Evaluation (mu¬āsaba)1, if he recites it continually, Allah delivers him from that punishment (‘āqiba) that he fears, by the blessing of this exalted Name and this subtle secret.

The šayj Zayn alDīn al©āfī2, God have mercy on him, said that whoever arranges this noble Name in a square of 4 x 4 by means of the secret of harmonious fit when Venus is in her exaltation, or in the first hour of Fridaythe 3rd, in an agate stone, then sets the stone in a ring and recites the Name on it twenty times every day, whenever a person sees him he will love him and God will make him obey him and his heart incline towards him, for in this Name resides an extraordinary secret to acquire magnificence, respect, gravity and solemnity. This is his image:

Fig. 128

It has the number 80, so it is one of the simple Names (basīÐa), and by ‘simple’ I mean those Names whose numerical value is equivalent to that of a single letter, such as this Name which is equivalent to the
letter fā’, because the basis of the one who calculates is the union or addition (alŷam’) and the inclusion (i¬āÐa). and this entails the exact enumeration of the scattered parts of a whole by means of their absolute perception. And it is only equivalent to the fā’ because the calculus (al¬asb) is the extreme that separates the exact from the

1 The term mu¬āsaba acquires a particular dimension in Sufi authors such as alGazālī, where it means on the one hand the recounting of good and bad deeds on the Day of Judgment, and on the other hand one’s inner recounting of them, comparable to the examination of conscience (see R. DELADRIÈRE, “Mu¬āsaba”, in EI 2).

2 Authority that we cannot identify, which will be cited on several occasions with variations in the reading of his nisba (al-āfī©/ al-Jāfī / alKāfī). It is very likely that it is Zayn alDīn alJwāfī or alJawāfī (d. 1435), Sufi leader and founder of the Zayniyya, as can be seen much later than the time of alBūnī and whose mention is omitted from the Berlin manuscript as well as the popular editions of the work, both on this occasion and in the following ones in which he will be cited throughout this chapter.

3 Venus Time.

115 107 119 109 101 113 103 120 112 102 114 106 121 108 100

111 98 105 122 99 116 118 110 117 104

  1. 273



9 59 11 1 12 4 6 58 57 7 3 13


who differs, since the calculation excludes disagreement in the estimation (almutašāŷira)1. And this Name also has the meaning of ‘Who is sufficient’ (al-Kāfī),2 for sufficiency is the extreme that separates the one who is satisfied from the one who is self-sufficient.

It is one of the abundant numbers, for its divisors add up to 106, which alludes to His Name ‘Savior’ (Munajaj’), because of the liberation (alinŷā’) that supposes sufficiency, that is, the liberation from not having to need others. And the meaning of the Recount (ali¬1⁄2ā’) has to do with the generous treatment that will be received by virtue of its outcome, as God said: ﴾ God will save those who have been fearful by virtue of their achievements ﴿3.

And to God belongs the merit of saying:

They evaluate us and are exhaustive.
Then they are generous and free us.

That is the mark that the masters impose on slaves who are docile.

My heart says
to me and my tongue is truthful:

whoever dies a Muslim
in Hell will not burn.

[And the number 106] also alludes to His Name, exalted be He, ‘Cause’ (Musabbib), for He Who keeps an account of your deeds thereby determines a means by which either His superiority or His justice is made manifest to You. Hence the letter bā’ which results from the mediation (altasabbub) at the end of His Name to the©asīb, for His exhaustive calculation is a means of manifesting superiority or justice.

It is also equivalent to His Name ‘Loyal’ (Wafī’), for the One who keeps track of your deeds compensates you to the extent of them, especially when He already knows the faulty acts and those that increase the weight of your good conduct before you yourself make an inward account of them. And the calculation of countable things is equivalent to the weighting of things that are measured according to their weight, so that it needs Him who is exact in his measurements (alWafī), whose Name is opposed by definition to defective or deficient measurement. And if we take the Name al-asīb©in the sense of al-Kāfī, then the meaning of His Names al-Musabbib and al-Wafī is evident.

As for the names of His letters, according to criterion4 they add up to 143, which is equivalent to His Name ‘One Who clarifies [the details]’ (Mubayyīn), because of the detailed exposition (altabyīn) involved in the enumeration (al-asb). And also to His Name ‘Who settles debts’ (alMusaddid) including the

1 That is, there can be no divergence in the estimation of what can be counted or measured.
2 Or ‘Who gives with sufficiency’.
3 Cor. xxxix:58. That is, God exhaustively counts actions to reward each one in his or her

exact measurement.
4 Not taking into account the final hamza of the letters bā’ and yā’.



  1. 274


article, and both Names have to do with the count (al¬asb). This number increases one to His Name al-Kāfī, and becomes even with His Name ‘Who gathers’ (alMujmil)1, by the reunion that the counting entails.

As for the second criterion for adding its letters, it results in 146, which is equivalent to the Name in which the satisfaction of each person’s shortcomings resides, which is ‘My God’ (Allāhumma); and also to the name given by it, which is ‘God is enough for me’ (¬asbiyaLlāh). This is with regard to the meaning of sufficiency, and with regard to the meaning of enumeration, since this alludes to the totality of justice that resides in enumeration.

Meditate on what I have pointed out in this section, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.



Whoever surrenders to the 2ikr of this noble Name, is magnified in the intuitions of the hearts and is respected by those who see him.

Whoever engraves it [on a seal] at the right time and carries it with him, subdues every powerful oppressor by virtue of it, for its effect on what is hidden from you is the same as that which he exerts on what is visible to you. Consider well what I am pointing out to you, because God grants His favor to whom He wills, He is the Lord of Immense Favor.

His 2ikr is indicated for one who is called ‘Abd al-al-alīl. And the šayj Zayn alDīn alJāfī said, God have him in His Glory!, that in this Name resides a splendid secret to obtain respect and glory, and to the one who performs his continuous 2ikr no one can stare at him because of the respect he commands, every wicked man when he sees him feels fear and respect when he finds himself in front of him, and as long as the secret of the Majesty resides in his heart, he will not be able to bear his gaze. So it is also very useful for combats and for army commanders. Try to understand.


It has the number 73, which is a prime number, for certainly the meaning of the ‘the Majestic C’ (alJaalīl) in His integrity and in His kindness in which there is no room for a fissure. And in it appears the
letter jķīm in allusion to the Reunion (aljam’), where the ‘ayn is an allusion to the Manifestation (alÞuhūr), so that in alṣṇ the meanings of Their Names are brought together ‘He Who gathers’ (alṣṇ) and ‘the Exalted’ (al’AÞīm). Therefore the names of His letters add up to a higher number which is 134, or else it is equivalent to His Name ‘Eternal’ (1⁄4amad), His Name ‘Who Gives’ (Mufīd) and His Name ‘Savior’ (Munŷī) including the article, for the Majestic One is the One in Whom one seeks refuge to obtain all good and to get rid of all evil: “Pray constantly, saying: O Lord of Majesty
and Generosity!”2.

And its magic square is as follows:

1 AlKāfī equals 142 and alMujmil equals 144. 2 AlTirmi2ī, no 3447, 3448; A¬mad, no 16935.




To those who surrender to the 2ikr of this sublime Name, God grants sustenance without their fatigue. And if the Names ‘the Giver’ (alWahhāb) and ‘One Who Gives Generously’ (®ūlÐawl) are added to it, their recitation is one of the most extraordinary, for if the person with scanty means of subsistence and who has fallen into poverty is given to the 2ikr, God will provide for him without limitation.

And he who writes these Names and carries them hanging, will not conceive the way in which God facilitates all the things he desires, obtaining them without effort, in everything that has to do with states, words, acts, etc. And these noble Names have a magic square of magnificent value and rapid effectiveness, which is the following:

  1. 275


Mun’im ®ūl Wahhāb Karīm Æawl


Wahhāb Karīm Mun’im

®ūl Æawl


®ūl Æawl

Wahhāb Karīm Mun’im


Karīm Mun’im ®ūl Wahhāb Æawl


Fig. 130

Said the sun of the scholars and the tongue of the sages, Abū ‘Abd Allāh Šams alDīn Mu��ammad b. Ya’qūb al-Kūfī1, God have mercy on him!: “Whoever continually recites this Name finds the increase in all his circumstances, and Allah, exalted be He, extends His favor to him in the visible and in the hidden,” for it is one of the most sublime Names, and it is very profitable for one who recites it constantly until he attains the spiritual state derived from it. In the same way, God expands his sustenance, dignifies him and benefits him to those who write it and carry it with him, for it is one of the hidden secrets to which only the detached (alafrād) have access because of the perfection of its dominion (ayÐiyya), the breadth of its scope and the diffusion and extension of its subtlest parts through total integrity and perfection at all levels.


1 Unidentified.

18 21 24 10 23 11 17 22 12 16 19 16 20 15 13 25

Fig. 129



His 2ikr is beneficial to one who is called ‘Abd al-Karīm, and has the number 270, which is an even number b of odd and abundant. Their divisors add up to 454 and add to the base 184, a number that is equivalent
to His ‘Forgiving’ Name (1⁄4afū¬), for the generosity that results from forgiveness. And it has a magic
square of enormous value and sublime essence:

mīrk 21 199 11 39

8 38 22 202 201 23 37 9

The names of its letters add up to 403, a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: ‘Lord’ (Rabb) and ‘One Who Dispenses’ (Mu’āfī). And you should know that numbers are spirits and letters are figures (ašbā¬), and whoever harmonizes the literal square and the numerical square into a single square, the latter is faster and more effective in answering. Try to understand that, for God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.

Fig. 132


Whoever surrenders to the 2ikr of this sublime Name finds himself protected in all his acts and circumstances. It has a magic square of enormous value and sublime essence that will be composed when the moon is at its peak, because its bearer will find shelter and protection in the visible and the hidden.

And you should know that if His Name ‘the Guardian’ is recited 4440 times every day for forty days, during which fasting, ritual purity and total aspiration will be maintained until one is dominated by a spiritual state derived from it, the angels of the Name glorify God together with him. And if it enters somewhere where there is a talisman, it dissolves and nullifies its effects.

It has the number 312, which is the even-numbered number of the odd and even, and is abundant in adding its divisors 528, a number that is equivalent to two glorious Names: ‘Living’ (©ayy) and ‘Unbreakable’


Fig. 131


  1. 276


(Matīn). And the names of His letters are equivalent to two of His glorious Names: ‘King’ (Malik) and ‘Ruler’ (Qahhār).1

And its magic square is as follows:

bīqr 199 101 9 3

12 4 198 98 99 197 5 11


This resplendent Name and this supreme secret is very useful for obtaining the answer in invocations, and it is indispensable that it should be added to all the Names with which one intends to pray in prayer.

He who arranges it in a magic square on Friday while the sermon preacher is in the pulpit, and then recites it constantly until sunset, will ask nothing of God, exalted be He, that He will not grant him.

He has the number 55, an odd number and defective when adding his factors 17, which alludes to His ‘Obvious’ Name (Bādī), i.e., ‘Visible’ (Ýāhir), because of the descent of the means that resides in the plane of the Meeting resulting from the meaning of the Manifestation (alÞuhūr). This number 55 alludes with its five entities (huwiyyāt) to the five presences (al¬aÅarāt aljams)2. Its letter hā’ 3 alludes to the plane of the Meeting by means of the hidden Name; and its letter no. 4 alludes to the presence of succor (soul).

As for the names of His letters, they allude to His Name ‘Courtly’ (Mu¬āsin) and ‘He Who Feeds’ (MuÐ’im)5, since they add up to 159. And its square is as follows:

Fig. 134

1 The names of its letters add up to 396.
2 On this notion developed by Ibn ‘Arabī and other authors, see HUGHES, Dictionary of Islam, p. 169. 3 Understand “his number 5”.
4 In the original “nūr”‘, and we correct it since it must refer to 50 (nūn) of the number 55.
5 We correct both Names from the original reading.


Fig. 133



A¬ad 16 20 6 Wā¬id 7 12 17

8 22 14 Huwa 15 10 9 21




  1. 277

To one who surrenders himself to the 2ikr of this noble Name, God enlarges his sustenance, his qualities, and his knowledge, and causes his soul to rise at the moment of his death, for it is one of the Names of sublime power to one who is conscious of its value. Its bearer will not be in any straits without finding spaciousness, and God will put relief and a way out in all his affairs.

The šayj Zayn al-Dīn al-āfī©said: “To the one who realizes the 2ikr of this resplendent Name and this high and shining secret, Allah enlarges his sustenance, ennobles his temperament, extends his secret, and opens his breast, for it is one of the most sublime Names for one who knows its power.”

Whoever arranges it with its letters separated in a magic square of 4 x 4 when the moon is crescent, invokes it after reciting the Phiti¬a and carries it with him, God makes difficult matters easier for him and expands his means of subsistence. And in it lies a wonderful secret to kings, princes, rulers, and ministers, for every sovereign who constantly recites it causes his kingdom to be extended, and his words to be obeyed. Try to understand.

It has the number 137: seven is for deliverance from narrowness; thirty is for the consecutive order of all Names in the breadth of their union; and one hundred is for His absolute dominion and manifestation. Hence in this number they gather from the first of the manifested Names to the most extreme of them in the divine descent (tanazzul),1 which is in reality the last of them in manifestation. Both Names are ‘Deity’ (Ilāh) and ‘Sovereign’ (Malīk)2. And when his equal is added to this number, it results in ‘He who enlarges his heart’ (Wāsi’ qalbahu), and in the same way it results ‘His heart is immense’ (Qalbuhu wāsi’),3 and that is an allusion to Muhammad, God bless him and save him!, since he is the “believing servant” whom He mentions in His words, Exalted be He, “I am contained in the heart of my believing servant.”4 And it is a prime number, because the external meaning of the expression is conditioned by the circumstances of place and time, from which its manifestation varies according to that of other things. And in this sense integrity is truer than dispersion, since it is God Who remains pure and free from taking place or from anything taking place in Him. These are noble allusions that you will understand through subtle experiences.

AANECDOTE: Whoever witnesses the Greatness (al’aÞama) says: “I have not seen anything behind which God was not present.” And he who is a witness of the Immensity (alwasa’) says: “I have not seen anything before which God was not present,” for the essence which is the hidden part of the Greatness is the visible part of the Immensity. That is why Greatness is like a veil (izār). Meditate on that, for it is one of the subtle concepts of Oneness.

1 The descent or descent represents the manifestation of the Self in the hierarchy of archetypal determinations (NURBAKHSH, Sufi Symbolism, iv, p. 170)

2 Which are worth 37 and 100 respectively.
3 Both expressions add up to 274, which is double the number of 137.
4 We do not find this tradition in the collections cited.






The names of its letters add up to 374, a number that alludes to the sphere of the Spirit (falak alrū¬)1 because of the breadth of its scope, and God said: ﴾ The day when the Spirit and the angels stand in rows ﴿2.

This is your magic square:

Fig. 135


To him who surrenders himself to the 2ikr of this brilliant Name and this resplendent secret God, exalted be He, inspires wisdom in the subtlest details of the sciences and teaches him the singularities of concepts and the subtleties of allusions, for He is one of the Names of enormous power.

He who arranges it harmoniously in a magic square during the first hour of Wednesday while Mercury is in his exaltation, writes it on a suitable material and carries it with him while performing his 2ikr and being in harmony with the behaviors of the sages and their habits, for the divine emanation is duplicated upon him and the fountains of Wisdom (al-ikma) flow from his heart to his tongue. But the use of this Name has as an indispensable condition the purity (tazkiya) of the soul, for Allah said, may He be exalted: ﴾ Verily Allah has bestowed a grace upon the believers by sending them a Messenger from their own sake, who recites His Signs to them, purifies them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom ﴿3; and He said: It is He Who has raised up for the unlettered a Messenger who is one of them, and who recites His Signs to them, purifies them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom.

And the šayj Zayn alDīn al©āfī5, God have mercy on him, said: “To the one who performs the 2ikr of this name, may God be exalted, he makes acquaintance with the mysteries of Wisdom, teaches him the subtler matters of mystical knowledge, reveals to him the subtleties of the concepts and makes him understand the realities of the secrets of the most repeated (alma£ānī)6, because this is one of the best kept secrets and preserved effects.”

Whoever composes it in a magic square on a sheet of solid mercury while Mercury is in his exaltation, is granted the understanding of the knowledge of Wisdom. His

1 It is equivalent to these two words without counting the alif of the article.
2 Cor. LXXVIII:38. Normally ‘the Spirit’ is understood as the angel Gabriel.
3 Cor. III:148.
4 Cor. LXII:2.
5 In the original (ms. base) it reads al’Āfī. Ms. B omits the mention of this author and instead says, “The šayj said

A¬mad alBūnī”.
6 Referring to Cor. 15:87: “Indeed We have given you seven of the most repeated and the great Qur’an,” all seven

repeated are usually interpreted as the verses of Surah alFāti¬a.


5 2 59 71 58 68 8 3

4 7 69 57

  1. 278



Recitation is very beneficial to the scholars (al-ukamā’), and in it there is also an extraordinary secret for the government (alwizāra).

The following is your magic square:

Fig. 136

It has the number 78, which is odd and abundant when added to its divisors it adds up to 90, which alludes to His Name ‘King’ (Malik), for Sovereignty is the lowest of the descents (tanazzulāt)1 of Wisdom.

The letters of their names add up to 211 following one criterion and 213 following another2. Following the first criterion, He is equivalent to His Name ‘He Who Makes the Dawn of Dawn’ (Fāliq), His Name ‘Producer’ (1⁄4āni’), ‘the Master’ (alMu’allīm), ‘the Hearer’ (alSamī’) and ‘the One Who Teaches’ (alMulqī)3, whose meanings are evident. Following the second criterion, it is equivalent to His Name ‘Creator’ (Bārī’), for the wise verdicts (ala¬kām) that reside in the act of creating (albar’), which means to dispose matter to adopt forms, and this is the result of divine Wisdom.

S. WISDOM UTILITY: The wise man (akīm) sees immensity in narrowness, while he who is bound by the decree (ukm) sees narrowness in immensity: ﴾ To whom God does not give light, he will not find any light ﴿ 4 in Science and in decrees, ﴾ and to whom wisdom is given much good, but only those who have judgment reconsider ﴿5.

And know that each 2ikr confers on the one who performs it recites all the virtue that it contains [said Name or Attribute remembered], provided that its reality has been fully understood. He tries to understand, for only the detached (alafrād) are in a position for this to take place. So reason, because the allusion needs no further clarification, God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.


mīk¬ 7 21 9 41 12 42 6 18 19 5 43 11


Whoever undertakes the 2ikr of this lodestone and this attractive ruby is loved by everyone, God reaffirms affection for him in the hearts of creatures and reaffirms his heart, for it is one of the most beautiful invocations.

1 On the Descent, see above, p. 346, n. 1. Sovereignty (Mulk) is the realm of the lower world (below Malakūt and Jabarūt), so it is the longest Descent of Wisdom.

2 That is, counting or not counting the hamza.
3 These last three Names include the article in the computation. 4 Cor. xxiv:39.
5 Cor. II:268.



Whoever arranges in a square of 4 x 4 His Name ‘Lover’ and His Name ‘Who calculates everything’ (©asīb) making a perpetual sum of 96, and inserts into said square another square of 3 x 3 in the center of which is His Name ‘Generous’ (Jawaād), no one will direct his gaze towards the bearer without him loving Him. Whoever wants to compose this magic square of enormous value, let him do it in the first hour of Friday while Venus is in her exaltation, then he will perform the 2ikr of these Names, for he will really see prodigious things, since the effects of this figure are of great efficacy in the realm of love.

  1. 279

And you must know that he who writes this Name 35 times on a white silk canvas while the moon is in his mansion and in favorable conjunction with Jupiter, if he carries it with him, receives the love of hearts. And whoever undertakes his 2ikr and also recites the Name ‘the Eternal’ (alDā’im), the grace of God is perpetuated in him.

It is fitting that the bearer of his square should be in a state of ritual purity and fasting. This is his figure:

Fig. 137

Sometimes some teachers compose it in this way:

It’s a very noble recitation, so try to hide it. And a certain teacher mentioned that whoever performs his 2ikr until he has mastered a spiritual state derived from it, those who see him sympathize with him in his nature and love him in their inner consciousness, because God revivifies his heart and his interior with the Spirit of Love (al ma¬abba) and embellishes his exterior with the secrets of Affection (almawadda).


Fig. 138

Whoever arranges it in a 4 x 4 magic square with the values of the names of its letters, writing it in the early hours of Friday, and then performs the 2ikr until sunset, no one will turn his gaze towards it without feeling affection for it, for in it lies an extraordinary secret and a wonderful meaning to attract the occult essences and spirits and to captivate the visible essences and forms. He is the 2ikr of the lords of Beauty and of those who drink from the fountain of Love and sit on the carpet of Affection, do you not see that his letters correspond to those of Budū¬?1

1 The name given to the 3 x 3 magic square in the corners of which appear the letters b d w ¬ (2 4 6 8), with which the words ¬ubb (love) and wudd (affection) are formed, and to which numerous properties were attributed. (v. D. B. MACDONALD, “Budū¬” in EI 2, Suppl., p. 153).



The names of His letters [add up to 96 and] are equivalent to His ‘Desired’ Name (Sūl), and their divisors [add up to 22 and] are equivalent to His ‘Dear’ Name (©abīb), try to understand. And its square is as follows:

Fig. 139

This noble Name has the number 20, which is even of the odd and even, and corresponds to the Name ‘Guide’ (Hādī). And it is one of the noblest numbers, as it results from multiplying the first cubic number (muka”ab) by the next number after it1. It is an abundant number whose divisors add up to 22, which alludes to His Name ‘Dear’ (©abīb), for love is the fruit of affection: “one has affection for one another, therefore one loves one another”2.


The names of His letters add up to 96, which is equivalent to His Name ‘Desired’ (Sūl), since the Beloved and the Lover is the Desired, and when the constancy (wudd) of love takes place, the search (alÐalab) results from it, which is the fruit of the effects of His Name ‘Seeker’ (Æālib). Meditate on that, for God bestows His favor on whom He wills, God is Immense, All-Knowing.

And to the question of what love (almaabba) is, we will answer that it is purity of affection (al mawadda). It is also said to be the constant sympathy or inclination (almayl) with the passionately in love heart, resulting from the confluence of four terms: affection (al¬ubb), affection (alwudd), passion (al’išq) which is vehemence in love and infatuation (alšagafa), which is the annulment of one’s own will in the will of the Beloved and total dependence on Him.

1 It would be the result of multi-folding 4 x 5. So it should say the first square number.

2 He apparently quotes an “adiah” of the Prophet, but we do not find such an expression among the collections of his sayings.

  1. 280



The recitation of this Name of sublime essence is very profitable for kings, because when they recite it constantly, their kingdoms are enlarged; and it is also useful for leaders and their successors.

Whoever performs his continuous 2ikr until he is dominated by a spiritual state derived from it, his words never find a reply. And his is never indicated for one who is called ‘Abd al-Majad.

Šayj Zayn alDīn alJāfī1, God have mercy on him, said: “If one who is in a sincere spiritual condition surrenders to the 2ikr of this noble Name, God helps him to do what is right, revives his spirit with the light of mystical knowledge, strengthens his inner spirit with the subtleties of secrets, and provides him with his sustenance without his being able to perceive it.

It has a magic square whose arrangement is as follows:

Fig. 140

18 23 16 17 19 21 22 15 20

Through it, the treasures hidden in the earth are made visible and the secrets contained in symbols are discovered.

It has the number 57, where seven is an allusion to His being free from all the impositions that lordship implies. And no one is exempt from such impositions except those who do what they wish, which is only possible in Him. And fifty is an allusion to the fact that in His hand is the center (madār) of all things, and that is one of the characteristics that belongs to Him alone, praise and exaltation be to Him! It is an odd, elongated and defective number, whose divisors add up to 212, a number that alludes to the alif of permanence (aliqāma) and the kāf of the word (alkalima).

As for the names of their letters, they add up to 190 following one criterion and 188 following another3. The first number is equivalent to His Name ‘He is Allāh, the One, the Necessary Being’ (Huwa Allāh alWā¬id Wāŷib alwuŷūd); and the second is equivalent to His Name ‘Lord of all’ (Mawlà alkull).

And his literal square and his numerical square have been harmonized into one square, and his figure is this:

Fig. 141

1 In the original “al’Āfī”.
2 According to our calculations it adds up to 23, although the following indications agree with 21. 3 It should be 189, since it depends on whether or not to include the hamza of the letter yā’ in the count.



  1. 281


AFIFTIETH PART ON HISNAME: ‘RSUCITATOR’ (Bā’i£) a This supreme Name and this glittering secret is profitable to the person whose determination is to be reckoned with.

to undertake some matter has become weak, and the one who performs his 2ikr is incited to do good.

A certain sage said that it is for the reception of life and health in the bodies as well as for the preservation of the vital forces. If you want the same, wear clean clothes, perfume yourself with the scent of aloe sticks and carnation, and recite the Name in a state of abstinence and purity of heart until you obtain a spiritual state derived from it, for God will really provide you with life force and direct your will to devout actions.

Šayj Zayn alDīn alJāfī1, may God have him in his glory, said: “Whoever engraves this sublime Name on a sheet of lead in the first hour of the Sabbath, then recites the Name four thousand and eleven times by staring at its written form, and then says: ‘O Saturn, I command you such and such,’ for indeed it will happen quickly, thanks be to God, praise and exaltation be he!”

And its magic square is as follows:

It has the number 573, where the ‘ayn and the £ā’ remain unchanged2, while the bā’ of the cause (alsabab) is received by the alif, which is the origin of the causes, so that the jķīm 3 appears, symbolizing the Reunion (aljam’) and the unification of the deceased with the caused.

And it is an odd and defective number when adding its divisors 195, a number that is equivalent to His ‘Sincere’ Name (1⁄4ādiq) and His Name ‘Lord of Lords’ (Mawlà almawālī ).




One who performs the continuous 2ikr of this great Name obtains as a fruit Observation (al murāqaba) in his spiritual retreat (jalwa) and on the way out of his spiritual retreat (jilwa) 4. And if he is in possession of a state of harmonization (tajalluq), this causes him to immerse his soul in the baptism (1⁄2ibga) of Unity and temperance, so that he is safe from the excess and excessiveness in the temperaments of his nafs.

1 This time it reads “alKāfī.”

2 This means that in the number 573 the only digit that is the result of the sum of two or more letters is 3, while 500 and 70 correspond to a single letter, ‘ayn and £ā’ respectively.

3 Number 3 of 573.
4 See above, p. 121, n.6 and 7.

143 146 149 135 148 136 142 147 137 151 144 141 145 140 138 150

Fig. 142


It is one of the excellent invocations, and a certain scholar said that it is very useful for one who wishes to attain the degree of martyrdom (alšahāda).1 I myself advised a certain Alfaqui to recite it, and he got that on the spot. And he who possessed the science of the Guide said that whoever writes it on a sheet of paper the number of times of its values manifested by the Lord of Lights and places it on his heart without anything intervening between them, will witness the spiritual figures (alašbā¬) with all their excellence and kindness, their mouths will speak to him with their sanity and intelligence, and God will provide him with dignity, respect, magnificence, and beauty, for it is one of the most hidden secrets.

It has a magic square of enormous value, and it is as follows:

Fig. 143

[This Name] has the number 319, which is a prime number, because of the sense of the promise found in it, and in which no division is possible: ﴾ Say: God is sufficient for me as a witness between you and me ﴿2.

As for the names of His letters, [they number 414 and] this alludes to His Name ‘Who causes ships to sail’ (Mujrī alfulk), for ships sail under the gaze of Allah, exalted be He!, as conveyed in His words: ﴾ and sailed under Our gaze ﴿3. Try to understand that and you will thrive.


Whoever realizes the continuous 2ikr of this Name of powerful essence, God gives him firmness in the acts of obedience, causes the realities of things to be revealed before him, makes him acquainted with the most hidden aspects of the mysteries, makes him detest lies, and makes his words irrefutable and lofty. It is one of the Names of sublime power, for by it God reaffirms believers in their faith.

Whoever composes his square being the ascendant one of the zodiacal signs fixed on some machinery in which he wants to fix some object or piece or make it resistant, then God fixes it firmly. This will take place after reciting the Name until a spiritual condition
derived from it overwhelms the subject of the ritual. And it shall
be written on the four sides of the square ﴾ And that which is profitable to
men abides on earth ﴿4. The square is as follows:

1 On Martyrdom as a Spiritual Degree v. NURBAKHSH, Sufi Symbolism, iii, p. 114. 2 Cor. XIII:44; XVII:96.
3 Cor. liv:14, referring to Noah’s ark.
4 Cor. XIII:19.

  1. 282


m ys Ðh khy’1⁄2 13 196 39 71 197 16 68 38 69 37 198 15





Awwal 63 65 Ilāh 53 49 47 59 45 57 55 51

Mu¬īÐ 39 41 Kāfī


Fig. 144


It has the number 208 according to its oral value, and 108 in its written value. The first number is even with the odd and even c, and abundant in adding its divisors 432, and that number is equivalent to two of His glorious Names: ‘Eternal’ (1⁄4amad) and ‘Patient’ (1⁄4abūr), because of the secret of adaptation to the corporeal
that resides in the letter 1⁄2ād.

The second number is even of the odd and even, and abundant in adding up to its divisors 172, a number which is equivalent to His Name ‘Who is near’ (Muqbil). And this is your magic square:

Fig. 145


Whoever realizes the continual 2ikr of this sublime Name, God fills and enriches him so that he will have no need to procure means of subsistence, being provided without limitation. And if he is endowed with a sincere spiritual condition, he feeds on the Self (alkawn). His 2ikr is indicated for one who is called Muṣammad, and has a magic square whose figure is as follows:

  1. 283

24 27 40 17 29 18 23 28 39 42 25 22 26 21 20 41

Æayyib 26 Wā¬id

Hādī ©abīb 24

25 ©ayy Æabīb


Fig. 146

And if we put together its numerical harmonic square and its literal square in a single square, the following figure is obtained:

It has the number 66, which is even for odd and
elongated. And it is one of the specific names of
Muhammad and of Muhammad’s family. That is why God
referred to him in the earlier revealed books as ‘the
Keeper’ (almutawakkil). And the association of this
Name and its peculiar relation to the Prophet (may God bless him
and save him!), lies in the fact that the name of the latter has its
numerical value, for Allah is worth 66, Wakīl is 66, and the sum
of the two is 132, which is precisely the value of his name Muhammad.


And the number 66 is abundant, for its factors add up to 78, which alludes to His Name ‘Wise’ (©akīm), for if the organizer were not wise, He would not put things in their place, and about that the following verses are said:

Fig. 147


If you need to delegate to someone,
delegate to a wise man and do not order him anything.

And the sum of the divisors of each of the Names [Allāh and Wakīl] add up to their base 12, and that is one of His Names, exalted be He, ‘dearly Dear’ (©ibid)1, and it is also one of the proper names of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and save him! And if the surplus of each of the two Names is added together with respect to their base, it gives 24, and it is the name of the prophet ‘and his beloved’ (wa¬abību hu),2 so that the sum of the numerical values of ‘Mu¬ammad’ and ‘wa¬abībuhu’ is the same number that results from adding Allāh ©ibb and Wakīl ©ibb3.

And the names of the letters [of Wakīl] add up to 197, which is equivalent to His Name ‘the Subsistent’ (alQayyūm) including the article, for the management (alqiyām) that involves the direction of a matter (al-wikāla).


One who repeatedly invokes this Name of great value acquires strength to bear visible and inner burdens, his spirit is strengthened and he acquires capacity for anything, for it is one of the recitations of the angel ‘Azrā’īl. It is very profitable for those who bear the weight of heavy loads, and its 2ikr is suitable for one who is called Mūsà, it being convenient to add to it His Name ‘Inventor’ (Mubdi’), and it is also suitable for one who is called Yūnus.

And you should know that whoever performs his continuous 2ikr will not run out of strength in the middle of a journey, as long as he continues to recite it and carry his magic square, which is as follows:

Fig. 148

  1. 284


31 34 37 24 36 25 30 35 26 39 32 29 33 28 27 38

It has the number 126, an even number of odd and abundant, since its divisors add up to 186, a number that is equivalent to a magnificent recitation (2ikr), since nothing can weaken the one who undertakes it, and it is “God is with me” (Allāh ma’ī). This is what its oral numerical value implies.

As for its numerical value written, it is equivalent to 116, an even number of the odd and defective when adding its factors 94, a number that is equivalent to His Name ‘Mighty’ (‘Azīz), and therefore the

1 In the original it reads “a¬abb”, which would add up to 13, or 11 without counting the double bā’.

2 Following the usual method of numbering, this word would be worth 33, half of the name Allāh. But since it was intended to be worth 24, he had to use that method according to which all the letters correspond to a value in the degree of the units (30, 300, 3000 = 3), so that yā’ would be worth 1 and the sum of all the letters would give 24.


3 132+24=78+78=156.


Power is always accompanied by strength. The first number [116] is equivalent to Musà and the second [126] to Yūnus.

The names of His letters add up to 206, which alludes to His Name ‘Almighty’ (Jabbār), and is the manifest value of “Mūsà”. And if we count 2181, it is equivalent to His Name ‘One who causes repentance’ (Mu1⁄2fi¬), and is the manifest value in “Yūnus”.

And you should know that one who is on the spiritual plane of His ‘Strong’ Name is on a level closer to the Presence and his contemplative vision (šuhūd) is more perfect, so it is very convenient for those whose ability to confront the Truth is weak, from which the meaning of the Name takes place. That is why Mūsà said: ﴾ My brother Hārūn is more eloquent than I: send him with me as a helper to confirm my words, for I am really afraid that they will deny me ﴿2, ﴾ I killed one of them and I fear that they will kill me ﴿3, ﴾ and Mūsà felt fear inside him ﴿4, ﴾ they said, “Our Lord, we are afraid that Pharaoh will rush against us or rebel ﴿5. And the Prophet, God bless him and save him, said: “In the interior of Yūnus b. Mattā there was a weak man”6. Notice how they were both thrown into the waters, one in the darkness of the basket (altābūt) and the other in the darkness of the whale’s belly7. Try to understand and you will prosper, God willing, exalted be He!




He who gives himself to the 2ikr of this Name of great value will not weaken his strength in any matter that is arduous and exhausting to him. His 2ikr is suitable for one who fears that his strength will fail when undertaking some business. And if the Name ‘the Strong’ (alQawī) is added, the one who bears the weight of great burdens will have its effect immediately.

And you must know that whoever invokes it continuously until a spiritual condition derived from it dominates him, will really be respected and will be endowed with strength, courage, authority and manifestity, having in it an extraordinary secret to subdue the will of kings.

He has the number five hundred, an even number of the odd and abundant when adding his divisors 592, adding to the base the amount equivalent to His Name ‘Security’ (Amān), because in robustness (al matāna) is the security of not losing strength. Therefore the nūn supposes the extremity of existence in which Manifestation 8 takes place. God said, exalted be He: ﴾ He is the best of all those you have used. He is strong, sure ﴿9, and he said, “He is glorified and exalted!”

1 Counting the name of the reduplicated yā’. 2 Cor. XXVIII:34.
3 Cor. XXVIII:33.
4 Cor. xx:66.

5 Cor. xx:44.
6 We do not find the hadith in the collections cited. 7 In reference to Cor. xx:38 and xxi:87 respectively.
8 Translation uncertain.
9 Cor. XXVIII:26.



Responsibility of faith (alamāna) to the heavens, the earth and the mountains, but they did not want to take it on because of it. However, man assumed it ﴿1. And the heavens, the earth, and the mountains refused to assume it and feared it, because if they had strength, they would not have robustness, which is the security (amāna) of not being left without strength. And then he said: ﴾ Yet man assumed it. Man is really unjust… ﴿ with himself for taking on the burden of that which no force can bear, ﴾… and ignorant ﴿ because their strength is exhausted due to their lack of security (amāna)2.

And the names of His letters add up to 608, a number which is equivalent to two of His glorious Names [added together], which are ‘Revered’ (Mukarram) ‘Provider’ (Razzāq).

This is its square:

nītm 399 41 49 11 42 402 8 48

9 47 43 401


Whoever surrenders himself to the 2ikr of this glittering Name and this resplendent secret is under the protection of God and is with Him, for it is one of the recitations of the angels of the higher presence, who are called cherubim (al-karrūbiyyūn).

One who constantly realizes his 2ikr by finding himself realized in its meaning, which is the suppression of mediators [between God and the realized one], reaffirms himself in the spiritual abode of Friendship (wilāya). And you owe that to the one who performs his 2ikr all the conditions (a¬wāl) of the creatures he wishes to know are revealed.

It has the number 56 in its oral value, and 46 in its written value. The first number is even of the odd and even, and abundant in adding up to its divisors 60, a number which is equivalent to His Name ‘Who makes permissible’ (Mubī¬), for with the disappearance of the mediators between him and God He has enabled Him to know what would be forbidden to another.

As for the second number [46], it is an even number of odd and defective since its divisors add up to 26. It alludes to a glorious Name which is one of the praises (a2kār) of those who are in the higher degrees of Oneness, and they are the words “One, One” (A¬ad A¬ad), so al-Walī results from its dividers and parts expressing that remembrance.

1 Cor. xxxiii:72.
2 On this term and its interpretations in the present verse, see E. W. LANE, Lexicon, s. v. “amāna.”
3 It can also mean ‘Protector’ or ‘Friend’, senses that will be present in the following indications


Fig. 149

  1. 285


on the 2ikr of this Name and its numerical value.


And the names of His letters add up to 96, a number that is equivalent to His Name ‘the Judge’ (alDayyān), including the article. Try to understand, for his 2ikr is also very useful to one who is called Muhammad1.

Its square is as follows:

Fig. 150


13 16 21 6 20 7 12 17 8 23 14 11 15 10 9 22


And you must know that he who realizes himself with this Name is of a praiseworthy temperament, and he who fully reveals it [its meaning], is the most praiseworthy person of all. Muṣammad, God bless you and save you!, is the epiphanic symbol of Praise (al¬amd), which is the beginning of the Book of Existence2
as he himself said: “The first thing that God created was my light”3, for all of him, God bless and save him!,
is the Praise with which the Truth, exalted be he!, began the Book of Existence. This is important, for if [Existence] did not begin with the Praise of God, which is the most praised (Muṣmad) of His creatures and the most praiseworthy (A¬mad), it would not have prosperity.4 And that is why also His prayer is the last of the prayers of the prophets, by His decree: ﴾ And at the end of His prayer: Praises be to God, Lord of the worlds! ﴿5. So the Prophet is the opening and the seal of Existence, for
he is Praise, which in turn is that with which the Truth began the Book of Beginning (al-ibdā
‘) and with which it also began the Book of Return (ali’āda). As the Prophet said, “I am
the first to whom the earth shall open.”6 Hence the Prophet was distinguished with the Surah of Praise,
which is the Fatey of the Book, His glorious Book which proceeds from a treasury (kanz) under the 7th Throne, which is opened only by His name Amid. Seek to understand these luminous delights and eternal secrets, for you will derive immense pleasure in the knowledge of the gifts of faith and Paradise concepts. God speaks the Truth and He shows the way.

1 Mu¬ammad in its written value is equivalent to 92, double 46.
2 That is, the first verse of the Qur’an: ﴾ Praise to God, Lord of the worlds ﴿.
3 We do not find this tradition.
4 In reference to the ¬adiģ recorded by Ibn Mājāa (no. 1884) or A¬mad (no. 8355): “Any important matter that is not

begin with the praise of God lacks prosperity.” 5 Cor. x:10.

6 Ibn Mājja, no 4298; A¬mad, no 12013; AlDārimī, no 52. It refers to the Day of Resurrection, on which the earth will be split and the graves of men will be left open (cf. Cor. XIX:91; l:44), and they will come back to life, or else their life will be created again, so it is also the Book of Return or Recreation of life.

7 A¬mad, not 16686, 16803, etc., where the Prophet says that the final (two) verses of the Surah of The Cow were given to him from a “treasure” that was under the Throne. And in AlDārimī no 3250, 3256; and Amad, no. 7625, etc., says that he took from that treasury the expression “Lā quwwa illa billlāh.”

Whoever performs the constant 2ikr of this Name is praised for his qualities, thanked for his deeds and magnified by all people. Whoever writes it the number of times of its numerical value on a container and gives a drink to one who suffers from a disease, God, exalted be He, causes him to be healed. And his 2ikr is suitable for one who is called Ma¬mūd.


  1. 286


This Name has the number 62, an even number of odd and abundant, whose divisors add up to 341, b which is equivalent to the words “He Is the One Who heals” (Huwa Æabīb).

The names of its letters add up to 147, which is equivalent to the words “He is Keeper of the Faith” (Huwa Mu’min), or interpreting it in another way2 is equivalent to ‘Custodian’ (Muhaymin) or ‘One Who Gathers’ (alJami’). And as far as his magic square is concerned, it is as follows:

15 18 21 8 20 9 14 19 10 23 16 13 17 12 11 22

Fig. 151



To him who performs the continuous 2ikr of this Name of sublime essence, God, exalted be He, makes him feel the effects of Observation (almurāqaba)3. And his 2ikr is indicated for one to whom the 2ikr of His Name ‘Who calculates everything’ (al-asīb©) is also poor, except that the security of the bā’ in that Name makes its meaning less threatening and less pressing [on the servant].4

He has the number 148: eight is for perfection (alkamāl), forty for totality (al tamām), and 100 is for absolute dominion (ali¬āÐa), while alMu¬1⁄2ī is One Who has total and absolute dominion over everything [in His enumeration]. It is an even number of the odd and even. And it is deficient in adding its divisors 118, which is equivalent to the Name Mu¬1⁄2ī itself for the masters of secrets5, and to ‘Living Sovereign’ (©ayy Malik) for the masters of lights, and that is because of the perfection that results from life and the absolute dominion that results from sovereignty.

And know, O God guide you, that all the Names which precede in this chapter from His Name ‘the Gracious’ (al-Ra¬īm) to His Name ‘the Praiseworthy’ (al-amīd©), the scope of their meanings is related in the first place to man’s ties with God (alasbāb), such as ‘the Giver’ (al-Wahhāb), ‘the Bountiful’ (al-Karīm), ‘the Provider’ (al-Razzāq) and those who resemble them. And on the other hand, the meanings related to knowledge, such as ‘the Knower’ (al’Alīm), ‘the Hearer’ (alSamī’), the ‘Seer’ (alBa1⁄2īr), ‘the Wise’ (al©akīm), etc., and the set of all of them closes with ‘the Praiseworthy One’ (al©amīd).

1 Then I should say defective and not abundant.
2 Not counting the hamza.
3 See above, p. 121, n. 6.
4 While the meaning of this Name is ‘One who keeps the count and enumerates all the actions of man’:

﴾ They did not expect to be held accountable, but we recorded everything in a book ﴿ (Cor. LXXVIII:2729).
5 I do not know the criterion used to find this equivalence, although it was probably given to 1⁄2ād the

value of the sīn.



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